Social learning and innovation in co...
Terashima, Hideaki.

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  • Social learning and innovation in contemporary hunter-gatherers = evolutionary and ethnographic perspectives /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Social learning and innovation in contemporary hunter-gatherers/ edited by Hideaki Terashima, Barry S. Hewlett.
    Reminder of title: evolutionary and ethnographic perspectives /
    other author: Terashima, Hideaki.
    Published: Tokyo :Springer Japan : : 2016.,
    Description: xviii, 318 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Social Learning and Innovation in Hunter-Gatherers -- A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Hunter-Gatherer Social Learning -- Teaching and Overimiation in Hunter-Gatherers -- A Multi-Stage Learning Model for Cultural Transmission: Evidence from Three Indigenous Societies -- To Share or Not to Share? Social Processes of Learning to Share Food among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children -- Learning to Spear Hunt among Ethiopian Chabu Adolescent Hunter-Gatherers -- Transmission of Body Decoration among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers -- Education and Learning During Social Situations among Central Kalahari San -- Constructing Social Learning in Interaction among the Baka Hunter-Gatherers -- Social and Epistemological Dimensions of Learning among Nayaka Hunter-Gatherers -- High Motivation and Low Gain: Food Procurement from Rainforest Foraging by Baka Hunter-Gatherer Children -- Play, Music, and Taboo in Reproduction of an Egalitarian Society -- Children's Play and the Integration of Social and Individual Learning: A Cultural Niche Construction Perspective -- Evening Play: Acquainting Toddlers with Dangers and Fear and Yuendumu, Northern Territory -- Hunting Play among San Children: Imitation, Learning, and Play -- When Hunters Gather But Do not Hunt; Playing with the State in the Forest: Jarawa Children's changing World -- Innovation and Social Learning among Chabu Adolescent Hunter-Gatherers of Ethiopia -- Variations in Shape, Local Classification, and the Establishment of a Chaine Operatore for Pot Making among Female Potters in Southwestern Ethiopia -- Innovation of Paintings and its Transmission: Case Studies from Aboriginal Art in Australia -- Early Social Cognitive Development in Baka Infants: Joint Attention, Behavior Control, Understanding of the Self Related to Others, Social Approaching, and Language Learning -- Learning in Collaborative Action Through the Art Works of Baka Hunter-Gatherer Children -- Hunter-Gatherers and Learning Nature -- Socio-Cultural Cultural of Positive Attitudes Towards Learning: Considering Differences in Learning Ability between Neanderthals and Modern Humans from Examining Inuit Children's Learning Process -- Body Growth and Life History of Modern Humans and Neanderthals from the Perspective of Human Evolution -- Evolutionary Location of the Neanderthal between Chimpanzees and Modern Humans: A Working Memory, Theory of Mind and Brain Developmental, Piagetian Perspective -- Reflections on Hunter-Gatherer Social Learning and Innovation.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    Subject: Social evolution. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9784431559979
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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