Introduction to advanced nursing pra...
Schober, Madrean.

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  • Introduction to advanced nursing practice = an international focus /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Introduction to advanced nursing practice/ by Madrean Schober.
    其他題名: an international focus /
    作者: Schober, Madrean.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2016.,
    面頁冊數: xii, 166 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: 1. Overview of Advanced Nursing Practice -- 1.1 Definition and profile of the role -- 2. A Growing Presence -- 2.1 Incentives and motivators for interest in the role -- 2.2 Patterns of development -- 2.2.1 Launching an ANP initiative -- 2.2.2 Nursing education as the origin -- 2.2.3 Legislation and Policy as the beginning -- 2.3 A global overview -- 2.3.1 Country examples -- 2.3.2 Organisational interest -- ICN -- WHO -- 3. Nature of Practice -- 3.1 Titles -- 3.2 Role Characteristics -- 3.3 Scope of Practice -- 3.4 Controversial and debatable issues -- 3.4.1 Prescriptive authority -- 3.5 Competencies and practice settings -- 3.5.1 Advanced tasks versus advanced critical thinking -- 3.5.2 Task reallocation within the healthcare workforce -- 4. Education -- 4.1 Curriculum design -- 4.1.1 Teaching methods -- 4.1.2 elearning -- 4.1.3 Flexibility adapted to context -- 4.2 Programme planning -- 4.2.1 Entry criteria for students -- Self selection -- External/Institutional selection -- 4.2.2 Collaborative and complimentary faculty/staff -- Nursing, medicine, other professionals -- 4.2.3 Clinical supervision and clinical sites for experience -- 4.3 Competency statements and core competencies -- 4.3.1 Developing competence -- 4.3.2 Mentors and preceptors -- 4.3.3 Clinical experience/sites -- 5 Role and practice development -- 5.1 Introducing the role and function -- 5.2 Interconnectedness -- 5.2.1 Among institutions -- 5.2.2 Among other settings -- 5.2.3 Between other healthcare professionals -- 5.3 Role support -- 5.4 Situational ethics -- 6. Regulation -- 6.1 Regulatory/legislative frameworks and models -- 6.2 Credentialing -- 6.3 Certification and licensure -- 7. Challenges: obstacles and facilitators -- 7.1 Interprofessional conflict -- 7.1.1 Nursing -- 7.1.2 Medicine -- 7.2 Identifying APN function in the healthcare workforce -- 7.3 Public Acceptance -- 8 Evaluation and assessment -- 8.1 Career pathways -- 8.1.1 Performance review -- 8.2 Adaptation of the role -- 8.3 Continuing education -- 9. Research -- 9.1 Evidence based practice -- 9.1.1 Joanna Briggs Model -- 9.2 Conduct of and participation in research -- 10. Future Outlook.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Nursing - Practice. -
    ISBN: 9783319322049
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •