Ancestors, territoriality, and Gods ...
Wunn, Ina.

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  • Ancestors, territoriality, and Gods = a natural history of religion /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Ancestors, territoriality, and Gods/ by Ina Wunn, Davina Grojnowski.
    其他題名: a natural history of religion /
    作者: Wunn, Ina.
    其他作者: Grojnowski, Davina.
    出版者: Berlin, Heidelberg :Springer Berlin Heidelberg : : 2016.,
    面頁冊數: vii, 290 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Of Men and Apes -- The Crux of a Darwinian Approach to Evolution -- The Question of When? (Lower Palaeolithic, c. 2.6 mybp - 300,000 ybp) -- My Cave is my Castle - Middle Palaeolithic, Territoriality, and Death -- Existential Fears - and an Excursus in Art History -- A Forest of Symbols - the Art of the European Upper Palaeolithic (40,000-12,000ybp) -- The Change of Imagery (the Central European Mesolithic, approx. 9,600-5,800 ybp) -- Aedificio Ergo Sum (I build, thus I am) Early Settlers in the Fertile Crescent -- The village, the ritual, and death -- Ex Oriente Lux: Neolithic ideology becomes popular -- Heroes, Gods, Sanctuaries - the male Principle and collective Cult -- The exchange of gifts and the Underworld: Malta -- The Double Axe and the Bull - a Pantheon Develops.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Religion - History. -
    ISBN: 9783662527573
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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