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  • 臺灣特有種牛樟芝(菇)(Antrodiacinnamomea)科學認知.法規審查&國際市場暨牛樟芝(菇)子實體[牛樟木]原始物種(雙語國際最新標準)= = The science and practices through regUlatory review and market introductiion of the herbal mushroom's Niu-Chang-Chih endemic in Taiwan & the International and origin standard of Niu-Chang mushroom's fruiting body (Antrodiacinnamomea) [on Cinnamomumkanehirae] Endemic in Taiwan /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 臺灣特有種牛樟芝(菇)(Antrodiacinnamomea)科學認知.法規審查&國際市場暨牛樟芝(菇)子實體[牛樟木]原始物種(雙語國際最新標準)=/ 魏隆行總編輯,陳廷嘉等編輯
    Reminder of title: The science and practices through regUlatory review and market introductiion of the herbal mushroom's Niu-Chang-Chih endemic in Taiwan & the International and origin standard of Niu-Chang mushroom's fruiting body (Antrodiacinnamomea) [on Cinnamomumkanehirae] Endemic in Taiwan /
    remainder title: The science and practices through regUlatory review and market introductiion of the herbal mushroom's Niu-Chang-Chih endemic in Taiwan & the International and origin standard of Niu-Chang mushroom's fruiting body (Antrodiacinnamomea) [on Cinnamomumkanehirae] Endemic in Taiwan
    other author: 魏隆行
    Published: 臺北市 :臺灣食藥用菇菌類生技協會 ; : 2016 ,
    Description: 168面 :圖 ;30公分
    Subject: 牛樟芝 -
    ISBN: 9789868984646
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
GE0167472 四樓中文書區000-599(4F Eastern Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 414.3407 3638 2016 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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