Social media and the transformation ...
Sahlin, John P., (1971-)

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  • Social media and the transformation of interaction in society
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Social media and the transformation of interaction in society/ John P. Sahlin, editor.
    other author: Sahlin, John P.,
    Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033, USA) :IGI Global, : [2015],
    Description: PDFs (300 pages) :illustrations.
    [NT 15003449]: Social bootstrapping: microfunding major projects in the arts and nonprofit organizations / John P. Sahlin -- Social media: changing the way we teach and changing the way we learn / Arleen Cuevas, Fritz Kohle -- A study of two microfinance models and their suitability for Egypt / Ahmed Youssry, Brett Winklehake, Jaime A. Lobera -- Globalisation, the internet, and the nation-state: a critical analysis / Shefali Virkar -- Seeking an online social media radar / James ter Veen, Shahram Sarkani, Thomas A. Mazzuchi -- Large-scale disaster response management: social media and homeland security / Kimberly Young-McLear, Thomas A. Mazzuchi, Shahram Sarkani -- Cyberbullying prevention: some preventing tips / Gilberto Marzano -- Business and social media: collaboration for the sixth discipline / Kate Andrews, Bethany Mickahail -- The social media "information explosion" spectacle: perspectives for documentary producers / Friedrich H. Kohle -- Augmenting user interaction experience through embedded multimodal media agents in social networks / Maria Matsiola -- Digital paranoia: unfriendly social media climate affecting social networking activities / Ramona Sue McNeal, Mary Schmeida.
    Subject: Online social networks. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781466685574
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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