Rethinking collection development an...
Albitz, Becky,

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  • Rethinking collection development and management
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Rethinking collection development and management/ Becky Albitz, Christine Avery, and Diane Zabel, editors.
    其他作者: Albitz, Becky,
    出版者: Santa Barbara, California :Libraries Unlimited, : [2014],
    面頁冊數: xiv, 394 pages ;24 cm
    內容註: Forces shaping scholarly publishing / Robert W. Boissy -- The ghosts in the stacks : collection development practice past, present, and future in academic research libraries / Mark Sandler -- Who does what? : building relationships between technical and public services staff / Laurel Tarulli -- Evaluating subscription databases / Nadine Ellero and Juliet Rumble -- Perspectives on weeding in academic library collections / David A. Tyckoson -- Weeding the collection : perspectives from three public librarians / Merle Jacob, Sue O'Brien, and Bonnie Reid -- Education for collection development and management / John M. Budd -- Demand driven acquisitions : just-in-time / Robert Alan -- HAM : a hybrid acquisitions model for public libraries / Sian Brannon -- Beyond reviews : understanding the selection cycle in public library collection development / Neal Wyatt -- The big deal and the future of journal licensing in academic libraries / Jeff Carrroll -- Collection development between teaching mission and resource management : the case of Carleton College / Kathy Tezla and Victoria Morse -- Lease plans in academic libraries / Anne Behler -- Lease services as a collection development strategy / Kathleen Sullivan -- Self-publishing : does it belong in the collection? / James LaRue -- Ebooks in academic libraries / Michael Levine-Clark -- Ebook collection development in public libraries / Christopher Baker -- Streaming video / Deg Farrelly -- Cataloging for collection management / Linda R. Musser and Christopher H. Walker -- Do we need Dewey? : Anythink library in Colorado / Logan MacDonald -- Rethinking access to collections in the discovery age / Jody Condit Fagan and Meris A. Mandernach -- Consortia services in collection management / Kim Armstrong -- Floating collections : perspectives from an academic library / Karen Greever -- Floating collections : perspectives from a public librarian / Wendy Bartlett -- Beyond my people and thy people, or, The shared print collection imperative / Robert H. Kieft -- Thinking about collection development in special collections / Steven K. Galbraith -- Collaborative disaster networks / Thomas F. R. Clareson -- Digitization projects / L. Suzanne Kellerman -- Print and digital preservation / Jake Nadal.
    標題: Collection management (Libraries) -
    ISBN: 9781610693066 (ebk.)
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