Competitive social media marketing s...
Bowen, Gordon, (1950-)

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  • Competitive social media marketing strategies
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Competitive social media marketing strategies/ Wilson Ozuem and Gordon Bowen, editors.
    other author: Bowen, Gordon,
    Published: Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033, USA) :IGI Global, : [2016],
    Description: PDFs (317 pages) :illustrations.
    [NT 15003449]: Digital marketing strategy for affinity marketing: utilising the new marketing arena / Aster Mekonnen -- Analysing the role of social media in dialogue marketing and management as a contemporary franchising local area marketing technique / Geoffrey B. Webster, Margee Hume -- User-generated content and perceived customer value / Wilson Ozuem, Celia Almeida Pinho, Yllka Azemi -- Loyalty strategy and social-CRM: how consumers adhere to the tools / Nedra Bahri-Ammari, Slim Mraidi -- Social media: strategic decision making tool / Gordon Bowen, Deidre Bowen -- Online service failure and recovery strategy: the mediating role of social media / Yllka Azemi, Wilson Ozuem -- State fragility and stakeholder engagement: new media and stakeholders' voice amplification in the Nigerian petroleum industry / Uzoechi Nwagbara, Emeka Smart Oruh, Carlton Brown -- Basics of mobile marketing strategy / Wilson Ozuem, Bibi Nafiisah Mulloo -- The roles of social media marketing and brand management in global marketing / Kijpokin Kasemsap -- Using social media marketing for competitive advantage / Amir Manzoor -- Search engine marketing: an outlining of conceptualization and strategic application / Azizul Hassan, Sumesh S. Dadwal -- The intersection of social media and customer retention in the luxury beauty industry / Ellen Stokinger, Wilson Ozuem.
    Subject: Internet marketing - Social aspects. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781466697775
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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