Handbook of research on interactive ...
Cipolla-Ficarra, Francisco V. (1963-)

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  • Handbook of research on interactive information quality in expanding social network communications /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Handbook of research on interactive information quality in expanding social network communications // Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, editor.
    other author: Cipolla-Ficarra, Francisco V.
    Description: PDFs (449 pages) :illustrations.
    [NT 15003449]: Phaneroscopy for video games / Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Jacqueline Alma -- Synechism in the video games design / Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Jacqueline Alma, Alejandra Quiroga -- Lookable user interfaces and 3D / Alan Radley -- Time-windows: reconnecting the window-metaphor of the GUI to real space / Andreas Kratky -- Practical metrics for error assessment with interactive museum installations / Andrea Albarelli, Luca Cosmo, Filippo Bergamasco -- Improved interaction for mid-air projection screen technology / Karri Palovuori, Ismo Rakkolainen -- Methodology for transformation of behavioural cues into social signals in human-computer interaction / Tomaz Vodlan, Andrej Kosir -- Methods of skull implants modeling with use of CAx and haptic systems / Marek Wylezol -- Efficient prefix scan for the GPU-based implementation of Random Forest / Bojan Novak -- The future of supercomputers and high-performance computing / Domen Verber -- Self as computer / Alan Radley -- Microblogging as an assisted learning tool in problem-based learning (PBL) in Bahrain: the Edmodo Case / Vasileios Paliktzoglou, Jarkko Suhonen -- Ubiquitous learning supporting systems: a challenge for computing software designers / Elena B. Duran, Margarita Alvarez -- Data mining applications in computer-supported collaborative learning / Rosanna Costaguta -- Model for effective collaborative learning in virtual worlds with intelligent agents / Max Ugaz, Augusto Bernuy Alva -- Quality analysis of VoIP in real-time interactive systems over lossy networks / Maha Z. Mouasher, Ala' F. Khalifeh -- An integrative method for the evaluation of network attack effectiveness based on grey system theory / Pengfei Wang, Wentao Zhao, Fan Zhang, Zimei Peng -- Vision of best practices for IMS implementation / Daniel Biga, Horacio Del Giorgio, Fernando Dufour, Ariel Serra -- The role of electronic commerce in the global business environments / Kijpokin Kasemsap -- E-commerce for Italian textile manufacturers: limitations and human factors / Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra -- Appendix 1: Social or anti-social networking? / Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Maria Valeria Ficarra -- Appendix 2: A set of the good online information / Francisco V. Cipolla-Ficarra, Maria Valeria Ficarra -- Appendix 3: Additional reading.
    Subject: Online social networks. -
    Online resource: http://services.igi-global.com/resolvedoi/resolve.aspx?doi=10.4018/978-1-4666-7377-9
    ISBN: 9781466673786 (ebook)
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