Contemporary approaches to activity ...
Hansson, Thomas,

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  • Contemporary approaches to activity theory : = interdisciplinary perspectives on human behavior /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Contemporary approaches to activity theory :/ Thomas Hansson, editor.
    其他題名: interdisciplinary perspectives on human behavior /
    其他作者: Hansson, Thomas,
    面頁冊數: PDFs (404 pages).
    內容註: Responsive practices in online teacher education / Thuridur Johannsdottir -- Young learners: communication and digital tools / Fia Andersson, Stellan Sundh -- Learning in video-mediated classes / Karen E. Andreasen, Palle Rasmussen -- Game construction activity in higher education / Hans Kyhlbäck -- Collaborative music making and artistic agency / Karin Johansson -- Vocational learning mediated by constructive competition / Charlotte Jonasson -- Project-based instruction in teaching Chinese as a foreign language / Juanjuan Zhao -- Outdoor science in teacher education / Oleg Popov -- Creative musical practice in an educational context / Anna Linge -- Micro-analysis of concepts for developing networking in social work / Laura Seppänen, Laure Kloetzer -- Explorative actions in search for a new logic of business activity / Päivi Ristimäki -- Networking around supervisors in an industrial corporation / Riikka Ruotsala -- Interventions for learning at global workplaces / Hanna Toiviainen -- Subject matter analysis in physical education / Carolina Picchetti Nascimento -- Modeling and analyzing contextual influences / Thomas Hansson -- Creativity in education: play and exploratory learning / Beth Ferholt, Monica Nilsson, Anders Jansson, Karin Alnervik -- Acculturation processes and expatriate behavior / Laurie Watts, Beata Gullberg -- Constitution of objects in DWR activity / Inger Eriksson -- Vygotsky, Heidegger, and Gadamer on moral development / Leena Kakkori, Rauno Huttunen -- Mapping [Capital v.2.0]: an encounter of thoughts / Lars Bang -- Reflections on the theory of activity / Regi Theodor Enerstvedt.
    標題: Active learning. -
    ISBN: 9781466666047 (ebook)
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