Computer-mediated marketing strategi...
Bowen, Gordon, (1950-)

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  • Computer-mediated marketing strategies : = social media and online brand communities /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Computer-mediated marketing strategies :/ Gordon Bowen and Wilson Ozuem, editor.
    Reminder of title: social media and online brand communities /
    other author: Bowen, Gordon,
    Description: PDFs (406 pages).
    [NT 15003449]: Social media and online brand communities / Madina Ansarin, Wilson Ozuem -- Digital governance and social media engagement / Tobias Endress -- Brand trust in offline and online environments: lessons for social media / Gordon Bowen, Richard Bowen -- Consumer attitudes toward online video game purchases / Wilson Ozuem, Michael Borrelli -- Social media and SMEs in transition countries / Yllka Azemi, Wilson Ozuem -- What social media marketing content is best to engage consumers?: a content analysis of Facebook brand pages / Chedia Dhaoui -- Interactivity: the concept and its dimensions / Wang Hui, Vipin Nadda -- Stakeholder interaction for sustainability: the impact of social media on Nigeria's oil and gas industry / Uzoechi Nwagbara -- Social media and customer retention: implications for the luxury beauty industry / Ellen Stokinger, Wilson Ozuem -- Defining the role of social media as a contemporary local area marketing technique in franchising / Geoffrey Webster, Margee Hume -- Social media and its implications for marketing communications / Irina Yankova, Wilson Ozuem -- Facets and dimensions of online social gambling: refining tools for marketing communications / Jason Prasad, Wilson Ozuem -- Mobile phone purchases and the consumer decision-making process: the role of Facebook online advertising / Jialin Hardwick, Lauriane Delarue, Barry Ardley, Nick Taylor.
    Subject: Internet marketing - Social aspects. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9781466665965 (ebook)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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