LGBT activism and the making of Euro...
Ayoub, Phillip,

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  • LGBT activism and the making of Europe = a rainbow Europe? /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: LGBT activism and the making of Europe/ Edited by Phillip Ayoub, David Paternotte.
    其他題名: a rainbow Europe? /
    作者: Ayoub, Phillip,
    其他作者: Paternotte, David,
    出版者: Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2014.,
    面頁冊數: 264 p. :5 figures, 4.
    附註: Electronic book text.
    內容註: 1. Introduction-- Phillip M. Ayoub and David Paternotte PART I: MEANINGS OF EUROPE 2. The European Origins of Transnational Organizing: The International Committee for Sexual Equality-- Leila J. Rupp 3. LGBT activism in Kyrgyzstan: What Role for Europe?-- Cai Wilkinson 4. 'In Europe it's Different': Homonationalism and Peripheral Desires for Europe-- Gianmaria Colpani and Adriano Jose Habed PART II: PRACTICING EUROPE IN LGBTQ ACTIVISM 5. Deploying Europe: The Creation of Discursive Imperatives for Same-sex Unions-- Kelly Kollman 6. Transnational LGBTI Activism and the European Courts: Constructing the Idea of Europe-- Anna van der Vleuten 7. Queer Activism and the Idea of 'Practicing Europe'-- Konstantinos Eleftheriadis PART III: BECOMING EUROPEAN 8. Trans Networking in the European Vortex: Between Advocacy and Grassroots Politics-- Carsten Balzer and Jan Simon Hutta 9. Transnational Solidarities and LGBTQ Politics in Poland-- Jon Binnie and Christian Klesse 10. Split Europe: Homonationalism and Homophobia in Croatia-- Kevin Moss 11. Conclusion.
    標題: Gay liberation movement - Europe. -
    電子資源: journal 'available contents' page
    ISBN: 1137391766 (electronic bk.) :
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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