Transnational anti-Communism and the...
Dongen, Luc van.

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  • Transnational anti-Communism and the Cold War : = agents, activities, and networks /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Transnational anti-Communism and the Cold War :/ edited by Luc van Dongen, Stéphanie Roulin and Giles Scott-Smith.
    其他題名: agents, activities, and networks /
    作者: Dongen, Luc van.
    其他作者: Dongen, Luc van,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    內容註: Introduction (Luc van Dongen, Stephanie Roulin, Giles Scott-Smith) -- PART I: THE WURLITZER REVISITED -- 1. The American Society of African Culture: The CIA and Transnational Networks among African Diaspora Intellectuals; Hugh Wilford -- 2. The American Federation of Labor and the Nordic Non-Communist Left; Dino Knudsen -- 3. 'Brother Tronchet': A Swiss Trade Union Leader within the American Sphere of Influence; Luc van Dongen -- 4. 'Not an Ugly American': Sal Tas, a Dutch Reporter as Agent of the West in Africa; Tity de Vries -- PART II: TRANSNATIONAL NETWORKS -- 5. Paix et Liberť: The Formative Transnational Anti-Communist Network; Bernard Ludwig -- 6. Gathering the Exiles: The Assembly of Captive European Nations; Martin Nekola -- 7. The Formation and Mutations of the World Anti-Communist League; Pierre Abramovici -- 8. The Necessity of Going Transnational: The Role of Interdoc; Giles Scott-Smith -- 9. Brian Crozier and the Institute for the Study of Conflict; Jeff Michaels -- 10. Global Crusade against Communism: The Cercle during the 'Second Cold War'; Adrian H̃nni -- PART III: INTELLECTUAL NETWORKS AND ANTI-TOTALITARIANISM -- 11. The Sovietology of J̤zef M. Bochenski: Transnational Activism from Switzerland, 1955-1965; Matthieu Gillabert -- 12. Suzanne Labin: An Atlanticist Anti-Communist Professional; Olivier Dard -- 13. The Mont Pelerin Society and the Rise of the Postwar Neoliberal Counter-Establishment; Niels Bjerre-Poulsen -- 14. Better Dead than Red: Wilhelm R̲pke, a Neoliberal Anti-Communist; Jean Solchany -- PART IV: CHRISTIAN NETWORKS -- 15. Transnational Anti-Communist Fundamentalism: The International Council of Christian Churches; Markku Ruotsila -- 16. A Christian Kominform? The Comite International de Defense de la Civilisation Chrtienne; Johannes Grossmann -- 17. Bible Smuggling and Human Rights in the Soviet Bloc During the Cold War; Bent Boel.
    標題: 1945 - 1989 -
    標題: Anti-communist movements - History. -
    ISBN: 1137388803 (electronic bk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •