Women in transit through literary li...
Gifford, Terry,

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  • Women in transit through literary liminal spaces /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Women in transit through literary liminal spaces // edited by Teresa Gómez Reus and Terry Gifford.
    other author: Gifford, Terry,
    Description: 1 online resource (xiii, 197 pages) :illustrations
    [NT 15003449]: PART I: NEW WOMEN, OLD PATTERNS -- 1. 'Nobody's child must sleep under Somebody's roof and why not yours?': Adventures of the Female Ego in Dickens, George Meredith's "The Egoist" and Wilkie Collins's "No Name"; Shannon Russell -- 2. 'Dangerous Domestic Secrets' on Trial in "The Law and the Lady" by Wilkie Collins; Janet Stobbs Wright -- 3. 'Running on lines': Women and the Railway in Victorian and early Modernist Culture; Anna Despotopoulou -- 4. Stepping Out: 'At Home' or 'From our Own Correspondent'? The Lady Writer or the Woman Journalist?; Valerie Fehlbaum -- PART II: THE CALL OF THE WILD -- 5. 'I write the truth as I see it:' Unsettling the Boundaries of Gender, Travel Writing and Ethnography in Isabella Bird's "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan"; Daniela Kato -- 6. Early Women Mountaineers Achieve Both Summits and Publication in Britain and America; Terry Gifford -- 7. Racing to the Front: Auto-mobility and Competing Narratives of Women in the First World War; Teresa G̤mez Reus -- PART III: REDRAWING THE BOUNDARIES -- 8. 'Always Coming and Going': The In-Between Spaces of Elizabeth Bowen's Early Novels; Emma Short -- 9. Moving Back to 'Home' and 'Nation': Women Dramatists, 1938-1945; Rebecca D'Monť -- 10. Spatial Parody, Theatricalisation and Constructions of 'Self' in Patricia Highsmith's "The Price of Salt" and Carson McCullers' "The Ballad of the Sad Cafe"; Frances Piper -- 11. 'Fritillary Fever': Cultivating the Self and Gardening the World in the Writing of Clara Coltman Vyvyan; Niamh Downing.
    Subject: 1800 - 1999 -
    Subject: American literature - History - 19th century. -
    Online resource: http://link.springer.com/10.1057/9781137330475
    ISBN: 1137330473 (electronic bk.)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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