A guided inquiry approach to high sc...
Schmidt, Randell K.

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  • A guided inquiry approach to high school research
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: A guided inquiry approach to high school research/ Randell K. Schmidt.
    作者: Schmidt, Randell K.
    出版者: Santa Barbara, Calif. :Libraries Unlimited, : 2013.,
    面頁冊數: xvi, 181 p. :ill. ;cm.
    內容註: Teacher's practicum -- Student workshops. Workshop 1, The assignment -- Workshop 2, What is the information search process and what is peer review? -- Workshop 3, Understanding perspective and bias in information sources -- Workshop 4, What are learning styles? -- Workshop 5, Descriptive essay of your learning style -- Workshop 6, Browsing and searching -- Workshop 7, Going from big to small -- Workshop 8, Information sources -- Workshop 9, Proposal : what topic have you chosen? -- Workshop 10, Understanding responsibility to intellectual property and the concept of plagiarism -- Workshop 11, How to take research notes -- Workshop 12, What are realia and why use them? -- Workshop 13, Using and making notes from a primary source -- Workshop 14, Organizing your research notes for an outline -- Workshop 15, Judging your research notes and looking for gaps -- Workshop 16, How to do backdoor research -- Workshop 17, Using formal language and understanding the difference between private and public language -- Workshop 18, How to compose your presentation notes -- Workshop 19, Audio/visuals : what do you need? -- Workshop 20, Using EasyBib to complete the bibliography -- Workshop 21, Practicing the presentation -- Workshop 22, Essay to reflect on your learning : what did I learn about myself? -- Appendices. A, Sample course outline -- B. First, second and third instruments -- C. Letter sent home in preparation for student presentations -- D. The appeal of the writing and research program -- E. Ninth grade research project schedule (2012) sample -- F. Choosing the best presentation -- G. Noting the likes and dislikes of the project -- H. Presentation rubric.
    標題: Research - Methodology - United States. -
    電子資源: http://ebooks.abc-clio.com/?isbn=9781610692885An electronic book in the ABC-CLIO eBooks Online database, accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information.
    ISBN: 1610692888 (e-book)
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