From teacher thinking to teachers an...
International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching

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  • From teacher thinking to teachers and teaching = the evolution of a research community /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: From teacher thinking to teachers and teaching/ edited by Cheryl J. Craig, Paulien C. Meijer, Jan Broeckmans.
    其他題名: the evolution of a research community /
    其他作者: Craig, Cheryl J.
    出版者: Bingley, U.K. :Emerald, : 2013.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xviii, 734 p.) :ill.
    內容註: ch. 1. The International study association on teachers and teaching (ISATT) : seeing tracks and making more / Michael Kompf, Frances O'Connell Rust -- ch. 2. The origins of ISATT : an idiosyncratic perspective / Joost Lowyck -- ch. 3. The role of ISATT in the professional development of Barica Marentic Pozarnik / Barica Marentic Pozarnik, Barbara Steh -- ch. 4. Personal practical knowledge : a study of teachers' classroom images / D. Jean Clandinin -- ch. 5. From teacher knowledge to teacher learning in community : transformations of theory and practice / Freema Elbaz-Luwisch, Lily Orland-Barak -- ch. 6. Pedagogical content knowledge : twenty-five years later / Maher Hashweh -- ch. 7. Story-maker, storyteller : narrative structures in curriculum / Sigrun Gudmundsdottir -- ch. 8. Narrative research : from the margins to being heard / Leena Syrjälä, Eila Estola -- ch. 9. Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education / Beatrice Avalos -- ch. 10. The emergence of research on teachers' professional identity : a review of literature from 1988 to 2000 / Douwe Beijaard, Paulien C. Meijer, Nico Verloop -- ch. 11. The moral matters of teaching : a Finnish perspective / Kirsi Tirri, Auli Toom, Jukka Husu -- ch. 12. In search of the essence of a good teacher : toward a more holistic approach in teacher education / Fred A.J. Korthagen -- ch. 13. Reflective classroom practice : case studies of Hong Kong student teachers at work / Ora W.Y. Kwo -- ch. 14. Teacher education in Brazil / Maria Inês Marcondes -- ch. 15. Reflective practice in the teaching profession : the case of training and research practices in the French community in Belgium / Sephora Boucenna, Evelyne Charlier -- ch. 16. Beyond the reach of leading : exploring the realm of leadership and learning / Michael Schratz -- ch. 17. The new lives of teachers / Christopher Day -- ch. 18. Who I am in how I teach is the message : self-understanding vulnerability, and reflection / Geert Kelchtermans
    標題: Teaching. -
    ISBN: 9781781908518 (electronic bk.)
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