Collective creation in contemporary ...
Syssoyeva, Kathryn Mederos, (1961-)

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  • Collective creation in contemporary performance /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Collective creation in contemporary performance // edited by Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva and Scott Proudfit.
    其他作者: Syssoyeva, Kathryn Mederos,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource
    附註: Includes index.
    內容註: Machine generated contents note: -- Introduction: Towards a New History of Collective Creation; Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva -- 1. From Margin to Center: Collective Creation and Devising at the Turn of the Millennium (A View from the United States); Scott Proudfit and Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva -- 2. The Playwright and the Collective: Drama and Politics in British Devised Theatre; Roger Bechtel -- 3. Collective Creation and the 'Creative Industries': the British Context; Alex Mermikides -- 4. Eugenio Barba and the Odin Teatret: A Collective Ethos; Ian Watson -- 5. An Actor Proposes: Poetics of the Encounter at the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards; Kris Salata -- 6. Lecoq's Pedagogy: Gathering Up Post-war Europe, Theatrical Tradition, and Student Uprising; Maiya Murphy with Jon Foley Sherman -- 7. Created by the Ensemble: Histories and Pedagogies of Collective Creation at the Dell'Arte School; Claire Canavan -- 8. Framework for Change: Collective Creation in Los Angeles After the SITI Company; Scott Proudfit -- 9. The Nature Theater of Oklahoma: Staging the Chaos of Collective Practice; Rachel Anderson-Rabern -- 10. In Search of the Idea: Scenography, Collective Composition, and Subjectivity in the Laboratory of Dmitry Krymov; Bryan Brown -- 11. The Case of Spain: Collective Creation as Political Reaction; Nuria Aragon{acute}es -- 12. Collective (Re)Creation as Site of Reclamation, Reaffirmation, and Redefinition; Thomas Riccio.
    標題: Performing arts - History - 20th century. - Europe -
    ISBN: 9781137331274 (electronic bk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •