Twins in African and diaspora cultur...
Peek, Philip M.

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  • Twins in African and diaspora cultures = double trouble, twice blessed /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Twins in African and diaspora cultures/ edited by Philip M. Peek.
    Reminder of title: double trouble, twice blessed /
    other author: Peek, Philip M.
    Published: Bloomington :Indiana University Press, : c2011.,
    Description: 1 online resource (vi, 366 p.) :ill., map.
    [NT 15003449]: Introduction : beginning to rethink twins / Philip M. Peek -- Twins and double beings among the Bamana and Maninka of Mali / Pascal James Imperato and Gavin H. Imperato -- Twins and intertwinement : reflectionson ambiguity and ambivalence in northwestern Namibia / Steven Van Wolputte -- Sustaining the oneness in their twoness : poetics of twin figures (ere ibeji) among the Yoruba / Babatunde Lawal -- "Son dos los jimaguas" ("the twins are two") : worship of the sacred twins in Lucumi religious culture / Ysamur Flores-Pena -- Twins, couples, and doubles and the negotiation of spirit-human identities among the Win / SusanCooksey -- Double portraits : images of twinness in West African studio photography / C. Angelo Micheli -- Forever liminal : twins among the Kapsiki/Higi of north Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria / Walter E.A. Van Beek -- Snake, bush, and metaphor : twinship among Ubangians / Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers -- Fiction and forbidden sexual fantasy in the culture ofTemne twins / Frederick John Lamp -- Embodied dilemma : Tabwa twinship in thought and performance /Allen F. Roberts -- Children of the moon : twins in Luba art and ontology / Mary Nooter Roberts -- Two equals three : twins and the trickster in Haitian vodou / Marilyn Houlberg -- Divine children : the ibejis and the eres in Brazilian candomble / Stefania Capone -- The ambiguous ordinariness of Yoruba twins / Elisha P. Renne -- Twins, albinos, and vanishing prisoners : a Mozambican theory of political power / Paulo Granjo.
    Subject: African diaspora. -
    Online resource: text available:
    ISBN: 9780253001634 (electronic bk.)
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