Answering Auschwitz = Primo Levi's s...
Pugliese, Stanislao G., (1965-)

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  • Answering Auschwitz = Primo Levi's science and humanism after the fall /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Answering Auschwitz/ edited by Stanislao G. Pugliese.
    Reminder of title: Primo Levi's science and humanism after the fall /
    other author: Pugliese, Stanislao G.,
    Published: New York :Fordham University Press, : 2011.,
    Description: 1 online resource (viii, 315 p.) :ill.
    [NT 15003449]: Psychology, theology, and philosophy. "Warum?" / Joram Warmund -- Guilt or shame? / Amy Simon-- Primo Levi and the concept of history / Johan Ahr -- Kenosis, saturated phenomenology, and bearing witness / Marie L. Baird -- After Auschwitz: what is a good death? / Timothy Pytell-- Humanism and politics. The humanity and humanism of Levi / Joseph Farrell -- Levi and the two cultures / Jonathan Druker -- The partisan and his doppelganger: the case of Primo Levi / Ilona Klein -- Primo Leviin the public interest: Turin, Auschwitz, Israel / Risa Sodi -- Literature. Primo Levi's struggle with the spirit of Kafka / Massimo Giuliani-- Ethics and literary strategies / Sara Vandewaetere -- Literary encounters and storytelling techniques / Elizabeth Scheiber -- Primo Levi and the history of reception / William McClellan -- Autobiography and the narrator / Nancy Harrowitz -- Reflections on writing. Writing againstthe fascist sword / Fred Misurella -- "Singoli Stimoli" : Primo Levi'spoetry/ Nicholas Patruno -- Primo Levi's correspondence with Hety Schmitt-Maas / Ian Thomson -- A note onthe problem of translation / Ann Goldstein -- Primo Levi: a bibliography of English and Italian scholarlywritings, 2003-2010 / James Tasato Mellone -- Epilogue. Primo Levi's Gray zone: a sequence of drawings / Terri Bowman.
    Online resource: text available:
    ISBN: 9780823248872 (electronic bk.)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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