Shaping the future of business educa...
Hardy, Gordon M.,

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  • Shaping the future of business education = relevance, rigor and life preparation /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Shaping the future of business education/ edited by Gordon M. Hardy and Daniel L. Everett.
    其他題名: relevance, rigor and life preparation /
    其他作者: Hardy, Gordon M.,
    出版者: New York, NY :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2013.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    內容註: The rise of business education in America / Patricia J. Peknik -- Challenges facing today's business schools / Mark M. Davis -- Business, management education, and leadership for the common good / Anders Aspling -- Integrating liberal learning into the accounting curriculum / Catherine A. Usoff -- How theory and practice inform each other : mathematics and auditing / Richard J. Cleary and Jay C. Thibodeau -- Broadening the profession : new skills in actuarial science / Emily J. Roth, Nicole Belmonte, and Nick A. Komissarov -- Business analytics at the confluence / Dominique Haughton -- Transforming business education through disciplinary integration : the case of information systems / Heikki Topi -- Change over time : the study of the past and the future of business education -- christopher j. beneke -- The need to read / Joan L. Atlas -- The role of law in business education / Elizabeth A. Brown -- Psychology in business education : a response to rapid economic and technological change / Gregory J. Hall -- Business education in an age of science and technology / Frederick D. Ledley and Eric A. Oches -- Starving for knowledge : the need for business education in the arts / Gregory L. Farber -- Technology and business education / William T. Schiano -- Cases and emotions / Robert E. Frederick -- Creativity and fusion : moving the circles / Andrew B. Aylesworth -- Rethinking the end(s) of education / Samir Dayal -- Service-learning, business education, and the civically engaged professional / Edward A. Zlotkowski -- The multidisciplinary nature of experiential learning / Diane M. Kellogg -- Prospects for fusing liberal learning and business education in the changing environment of higher education / Dan LeClair.
    標題: Business education - United States. -
    ISBN: 9781137033383 (electronic bk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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