Bachelors, Manhood, and the Novel, 1...
Snyder, Katherine V.

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  • Bachelors, Manhood, and the Novel, 1850-1925.
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Bachelors, Manhood, and the Novel, 1850-1925./
    作者: Snyder, Katherine V.
    出版者: Cambridge :Cambridge University Press, : 1999.,
    面頁冊數: 297 p.
    內容註: Preliminaries; Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Introduction; CHAPTER 1 Trouble in paradise: bachelors and bourgeois domesticity; CHAPTER 2 Susceptibility and the single man: the constitution of the bachelor invalid; CHAPTER 3 An artist and a bachelor: Henry James, mastery, and the life of art; CHAPTER 4 A way of looking on: bachelor narration in Conrad's Under Western Eyes; CHAPTER 5 The necessary melancholy of bachelors: melancholy, manhood, and modernist narrative; Afterword; Notes; Bibliography; Index
    標題: American fiction - Male authors - History and crit.; Conrad, Joseph. -
    電子資源: here to view book
    ISBN: 9780511485312 (electronic bk.)
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