The Cambridge companion to the moder...
Shiach, Morag.

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  • The Cambridge companion to the modernist novel /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The Cambridge companion to the modernist novel // edited by Morag Shiach.{me_controlnum}
    其他題名: Modernist novel
    其他作者: Shiach, Morag.
    出版者: Cambridge [UK] ;Cambridge University Press, : 2007.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 249 p. ;24 cm.
    叢書名: Cambridge companions to literature
    內容註: Reading the modernist novel : an introduction / Morag Shiach -- Modernists on the art of fiction / Jeff Wallace -- Early modernism / Peter Brooker -- Remembrance and tense past / Ann Banfield -- Consciousness as a stream / Anne Fernihough -- The legacies of modernism / Laura Marcus -- James Joyce and the languages of modernism / Katherine Mullin -- Tradition and revelation : moments of being in Virginia Woolf's major novels / Meg Jensen -- Wyndham Lewis and modernist satire / Rebecca Beasley -- D.H. Lawrence : organicism and the modernist novel / Hugh Stevens -- Joseph Conrad's half-written fictions / Jeremy Hawthorn -- Djuna Barnes : melancholic modernism / Deborah Parsons -- William Faulkner : an impossibly comprehensive expressivity / Catherine Gunther Kodat -- Writing lives : Dorothy Richardson, May Sinclair, Gertrude Stein / Howard Finn -- C.L.R. James, Claude McKay, Nella Larsen, Jean Toomer : the 'black Atlantic' and the modernist novel / Anna Snaith -- Situating Samuel Beckett / Lois Oppenheim.
    標題: English fiction - History and criticism. - 20th century -
    電子資源: here to view book
    ISBN: 9780521854443
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