[NT 15003449]: |
Size effects in the chemistry of small clusters / Matthias Arenz, Stefan Gilb, Ueli Heiz -- Chemical reactivity and catalytic properties of size-selected gas phase metal clusters / S.M. Lang, D.M. Popolan, T.M. Bernhardt -- Probing the unique size-dependent properties of small Au clusters, Au alloy clusters, and CO chemisorbed Au clusters in the gas phase / Hua-Jin Zhai, Xi Li, Lai-Sheng Wang -- Au[n] and Ag[n] (n=1-8) nanocluster catalysts : gas phase reactivity to deposited structures / S.K. Buratto, M.T. Bowers, H. Metiu, M. Manard, X. Tong, L. Benz, P. Kemper, S. Chr�etien -- Oxide-supported metal clusters / Mingshu Chen, D. Wayne Goodman -- Magic numbers for shells of electrons and shells of atoms in binary clusters / S. Neukermans, E. Janssens, R.E. Silverans, P. Lievens -- Computational electron spectroscopy of gas phase metal clusters / Julius Jellinek, Paulo H. Acioli -- Vibrational spectroscopy of gas-phase clusters and complexes / Knut R. Asmis, Andr�e Fielicke, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer -- Trapped ion electron diffraction : structural evolution of silver and gold clusters / Joel H. Parks, Xiaopeng Xing -- Superatoms, building blocks of new materials / A.W. Castleman, S.N. Khanna -- Magnetic properties of 2D islands on single crystal metal surfaces / H. Brune, S. Rusponi -- Electronic structure and magnetic properties of small deposited transition metal clusters / Wilfried Wurth, Michael Martins -- Magnetic properties of deposited and embedded clusters / C. Binns -- Theory of magnetic clusters and nanostructures at surfaces / G.M. Pastor, J. Dorantes-D�avilla -- Modelling the structure and dynamics of metal nanoclusters deposited on graphite / R. Smith, S.D. Kenny, J.J. Belbruno, R.E. Palmer. |