The travel and tropical medicine manual
Jong, Elaine C.

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  • The travel and tropical medicine manual
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The travel and tropical medicine manual/ edited by Elaine C. Jung, Christopher Sanford.{me_controlnum}
    其他作者: Jong, Elaine C.
    出版者: [Philadelphia, Pa.] :Saunders/Elsevier, : c2008.,
    面頁冊數: xiv, 682 p. :col. ill., col. maps ;20 cm.
    內容註: Section 1: Pre-Travel Advice -- 01Approach to Travel Medicine and a Personal Travel Medicine Kit -- 02Urban Medicine: Threats to Health of Travelers to Developing World Cities -- 03Emerging Diseases and the International Traveler -- 04Air Carrier Issues in Travel Medicine -- 05Immunizations For Travelers -- 06Malaria Prevention -- 07Traveler b2 ss Diarrhea: Prevention & Self-Treatment -- 08Water Disinfection -- 09Motion, Cold and Heat Disorders -- Section 2: Advice for Special Travelers b2 s -- 10Altitude Illness -- 11Diving Medicine -- 12Travel Advice for Pediatrics Travelers: Infants, Children and Adolescents -- 13Advice for Women Travelers -- 14Travel & HIV Infection -- 15Travel with Chronic Medical Conditions -- 16Pre-Travel Risk Assessment & Health Advice for Missionaries and Other Long-Term Expatriate Volunteers -- 17The Business Expatriate -- 18Health Screening in Immigrants, Refugees and International Adoptees -- Section 3: Fever -- 19Malaria Diagnosis & Treatment -- 20Travel-Acquired Illnesses Associated with Fever -- 21Viral Hepatitis in Travelers and Immigrants -- 22Leptospirosis -- 23Lyme Disease -- 24Tuberculosis in Travelers and Immigrants -- 25Chagas b2 s Disease -- 26African Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness) -- Section 4: Diarrhea -- 27Approach to Diarrhea in Returned Travelers -- 28Amebiasis, Giardiasis and Other Intestinal Protozoan Infections -- 29Food Poisoning: Toxic Syndromes -- 30Fish and Shellfish Poisoning: Toxic Syndromes -- Section 5: Skin Lesions -- 31Approach to Tropical Dermatology -- 32Acute Skin Reactions and Bacterial Infections -- 33Ectoparasites, Cutaneous Parasites, and Cnidarian Envenomation -- 34Fungal Skin Infections -- 35Leishmaniasis -- 36Leprosy (Hansen b2 ss Disease) -- Section 6: Sexually Transmitted Diseases -- 37Sexually transmitted Infections and Foreign Travel -- 38Gonococcal and Chlamydial Genital Infections and Pelvic Inflammatory Disease -- 39Syphilis -- 40Genital Ulcer Disease -- Section 7: Worms -- 41Common Intestinal Roundworms -- 42Cestodes: Intestinal and Extraintestinal Tapeworms Infections, including Echinococcocis and Cysticercosis -- 43Filarial Infections -- 44Trematodes -- 45The Eosinophilic Patient with Suspected Parasite Infection.
    標題: Tropical medicine - Biography. -
    電子資源: electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    ISBN: 9781416026136
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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