內容註: |
section I: Highlights of sleep medicine. 1. Sleep medicine and the Boards / Teri J. Barkoukis -- 2. Highlights of sleep neuroscience / Phyllis C. Zee and R. Chris Hammond -- 3. Sleep physiology / Pierre Giglio, James T. Lane, Teri J. Barkoukis, and Ioana Dumitru -- 4. Sleep breathing disorders / Teofilo L. Lee-Chiong and Charles A. Polnitsky -- 5. Cardiovascular pathophysiology of sleep apnea / Viktor Hanak and Virend K. Somers -- 6. Narcolepsy and hypersomnia of central origin : diagnosis, differential pearls, and management / Wynne Chen and Emmanuel Mignot -- 7. Insomnia : differential pearls / Lois E. Krahn -- 8. Introduction to electroencephalography (EEG) / Derek J. Chong, Gregory L. Sahlem, and Carl W. Bazil -- 9. An overview of polysomnography / Sharon A. Keenan -- 10. Effects of drugs on sleep / Paula K. Schweitzer -- 11. Pediatric sleep-wake disorders / Suresh Kotagal -- section II: Practice exams for the adventurous. 12. Normal sleep patterns / Vlad Dimitriu and Teri J. Barkoukis -- 13. Mechanisms of sleep neuroscience / Christopher M. Sinton -- 14. Cardiopulmonary disorders / Vahid Mohsenin and Vlad Dimitriu -- 15. Neurological sleep disorders / Massimiliano M. Siccoli and Claudio L. Bassetti -- 16. Sleep-wake disorders / Baruch El-Ad -- 17. Electroencephalography / Carl W. Bazil, Gregory L. Sahlem, and Derek J. Chong -- 18. Artifacts / Judith Wiebelhaus and Alon Y. Avidan -- 19. Pediatric sleep medicine / Carolyn M. D'Ambrosio and Eliot S. Katz -- 20. Sleep pharmacology / Teri L. Gabel -- 21. Polysomnography pearls / American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists, Inc. -- 22. Polsyomnography and cases : Section I, Polysomnography techniques / Sharon A. Keenan ; Section II, Cases / Stuart G. Holtby, Brian H. Foresman, Sharon A. Keenan, and Roy Smith -- 23. Clinical case studies I / Charles Bae and Nancy Foldvary-Schaefer -- 24. Clinical case studies II / Teri J. Barkoukis and Alon Y. Avidan -- 25. Clinical case studies III / Sarah Nath Zallek -- 26. Knowing practice parameters / Srinivas Bhadriraju -- 27. Literature review, 2003-2006 / Daniel A. Cohen and Jean K. Matheson -- section III: Valuable resources / Mikhael Loots -- Appendix I. Sleep stage scoring / Alon Y. Avidan -- Appendix II. Cardiac arrhythmias / Jon W. Atkinson. |