Diffusion MRI = from quantitative me...
Johansen-Berg, Heidi.

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  • Diffusion MRI = from quantitative measurement to in-vivo neuroanatomy /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Diffusion MRI/ edited by Heidi Johansen-Berg and Timothy E.J. Behrens.{me_controlnum}
    Reminder of title: from quantitative measurement to in-vivo neuroanatomy /
    other author: Johansen-Berg, Heidi.
    Published: Amsterdam ;Academic Press, : c2009.,
    Notes: Includes index.
    [NT 15003449]: Introduction to Diffusion MR / Peter J. Basser and Evren �Ozarslan -- Pulse sequences for diffusion-weighted MRI / James Pipe -- Gaussian modelling of the diffusion signal / Derek K Jones -- Multiple fibres: beyond the diffusion tensor / Kiran K Seunarine and Daniel C Alexander -- White matter structure: a microscopist's view / Julia M. Edgar and Ian R. Griffiths -- The biological basis of diffusion anisotropy / Christian Beaulieu -- Inferring microstructural information of white matter from diffusion MRI / Yaniv Assaf and Yoram Cohen -- Cross-Subject Comparison of Local Diffusion MRI Parameters / Steven Smith and Gordon Kindlmann -- Diffusion MRI in neurological disorders / Benedetta Bodini and Olga Ciccarelli -- DTI in development and aging / David Salat, Stephanie Y. Lee, Bindu Setty, H. Diana Rosas and P. Ellen Grant -- Individual differences in white matter microstructure in the healthy brain / Jan Scholz, Heidi Johansen-Berg and Valentina Tomassini -- Diffusion tensor imaging and its application to schizophrenia and related disorders / Martha Shenton -- Classic and contemporary neural tract tracing techniques / Robert J. Morecraft, Gabriella Ugolini, Jos�e L. Lanciego, Floris G. Wouterlood and Deepak N. Pandya -- The human connectome: linking structure and function in the human brain / Olaf Sporns -- MR diffusion tractography / Timothy E.J. Behrens and Saad Jbabdi -- Validation of tractography / Penny L. Hubbard and Geoffrey J. M. Parker -- Connectivity fingerprinting of grey matter / Johannes C Klein, Timothy E.J. Behrens and Heidi Johansen-Berg -- The connectional anatomy of language: recent contributions from diffusion tensor tractography / Marco Catani -- Tractography for surgical targeting / Andreas J. Bartsch, Armin Biller and G�yrgy A. Homola -- Comparing brain connections in different species using diffusion weighted imaging / Matthew Rushworth, Erie Boorman and Rogier B. Mars -- Imaging Structure and Function / Saad Jbabdi.
    Subject: Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. -
    Online resource: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123747099An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    ISBN: 9780123747099
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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