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Olsen, Johan P.

Works: 3 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
The Europeanisation of National Administrations : = Patterns of Institutional Change and Persistence. by: F?llesdal, Andreas.; Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation.; Knill, Christoph. (Electronic resources)
The European Commission and the Integration of Europe : = Images of Governance. by: F?llesdal, Andreas.; Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation.; Hooghe, Liesbet. (Electronic resources)
The EU, NATO and the Integration of Europe : = Rules and Rhetoric. by: Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation.; Schimmelfennig, Frank.; Follesdal, Andreas. (Electronic resources)
Markets and Moral Regulation : = Cultural Change in the European Union. by: Kurzer, Paulette.; F?llesdal, Andreas.; Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation. (Electronic resources)
Law and Governance in Postnational Europe : = Compliance Beyond the Nation-State. by: Zurn, Michael.; F?llesdal, Andreas.; Joerges, Christian.; Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation. (Electronic resources)
States and Regions in the European Union : = Institutional Adaptation in Germany and Spain. by: Borzel, Tanja A.; Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation.; Follesdal, Andreas. (Electronic resources)
Europe's Foreign and Security Policy : = The Institutionalization of Cooperation. by: Olsen, Johan P.; Ebooks Corporation.; Smith, Michael E.; Follesdal, Andreas. (Electronic resources)
重新發現制度 : = 政治的組織基礎 / by: 馬奇 ((March, James G.)); 歐爾森(Olsen, Johan P.); 張偉; March, James G.; Olsen, Johan P. (Language materials, printed)
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