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Works: 1 works in 12 publications in 3 languages
Greek tragedy in Vergil's <I>Aeneid</I> = ritual, empire, and intertext / by: Panoussi, Vassiliki.{me_controlnum} (Electronic resources)
Vergil, Philodemus, and the Augustans by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Armstrong, David, (1940-); Rome (Language materials, printed)
The Aeneid / by: Virgil.; Dickinson, Patric, (1914-1994.) (Language materials, printed)
Virgil's Eclogues by: Virgil.; Project Muse.; Krisak, Len, (1948-) (Electronic resources)
Virgil's works : = the aeneid, eclogues, georgics / by: Virgil.; Mackail, J. W. (1859-1945.) (Language materials, printed)
Vergil's Eclogues by: Fowler, Barbara Hughes, (1926-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Virgil. (Language materials, printed)
The Aeneid / by: Fitzgerald, Robert, (1910-); Virgil. (Language materials, printed)
The Aeneid of Virgil : = a verse translation / by: Mandelbaum, Allen, (1926-); Virgil. (Language materials, printed)
Statius and Virgil : = the Thebaid and the reinterpretation of the Aeneid by: Ganiban, Randall Toth, (1966-.) (Electronic resources)
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