Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
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Changing the health care system = models from here and abroad.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Guatemala = human rights and the Myrna Mack case/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Corillon, Carol.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)., Committee on Human Rights.; Wiesel, Torsten N.
Adviser, teacher, role model, friend = on being a mentor to students in science and engineering /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Teaching IOM = implications of the Institute of Medicine reports for nursing education /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Finkelman, Anita Ward.; Kenner, Carole.; American Nurses Association.
The right thing to do, the smart thing to do = enhancing diversity in the health professions : summary of the Symposium on Diversity in Health Professions in honor of Herbert W. Nickens, M.D. /
Nickens, Herbert W.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Symposium on Diversity in Health Professions in Honor of Herbert W. Nickens, M.D ((2001 :); Smedley, Brian D.
Suicide prevention and intervention = summary of a workshop /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Goldsmith, Sara K.
Fluid resuscitation = state of the science for treating combat casualties and civilian injuries/
Pope, Andrew MacPherson, (1950-); Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
In her own right = the Institute of Medicine's guide to women's health issues /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Benderly, Beryl Lieff.
Dietary reference intakes = applications in dietary planning/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Subcommittee on Interpretation and Uses of Dietary Reference Intakes.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Standing Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary Reference Intakes.
Using performance monitoring to improve community health = exploring the issuse : workshop sumary /
Berkowitz, Bobbie, (1950-); Inui, Thomas S.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Durch, Jane.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee on Using Performance Monitoring to Improve Community Health.
Cultural diversity and early education = report of a workshop/
Crowell, Nancy A.; Phillips, Deborah.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children and Families.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; NetLibrary, Inc.; White, Sheldon Harold, (1928-.)
Child care for low-income families = summary of two workshops/
Phillips, Deborah.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children and Families.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Shonkoff, Jack P.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Steering Committee on Child Care Workshops.
Prevention and treatment of alcohol problems = research opportunities.
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee to Identify Research Opportunities in the Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol-Related Problems.; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.)
Economic models of colorectal cancer screening in average-risk adults = workshop summary /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Pignone, Michael; Russell, Louise; Wagner, Judith; National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy; National Research Council (U.S.)., Global Affairs Division
Facilitating interdisciplinary research /
National Academies (U.S.)., Committee on Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research.; Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.); National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
Public health linkages with sustainability : = workshop summary /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Coussens, Christine.; Rusch, Erin.
Service provider perspectives on family violence interventions = proceedings of a workshop/
King, Patricia.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children and Families.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions.; NetLibrary, Inc.
Review of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's smallpox vaccination program implementation. Letter report #3/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Smallpox Vaccination Program Implementation.; Centers for Disease Control (U.S.)
Countering bioterrorism = the role of science and technology/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Panel on Biological Issues (U.S.)
Reshaping the graduate education of scientists and engineers
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (U.S.)
Fostering rapid advances in health care
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Violence and the American family = report of a workshop/
Chalk, Rosemary A.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children and Families.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Workshop on Violence and the American Family ((1993 :)
Preparing for the 21st century = focusing on quality in a changing health care system.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)
Preparing for the 21st century = the environment and the human future /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)
Groundwater fluxes across interfaces
United States., Environmental Protection Agency.; United States., National Aeronautics and Space Administration.; United States., National Weather Service.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Hydrologic Science.; United States., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.; Geological Survey (U.S.)
New medical devices = invention, development, and use /
Ekelman, Karen B.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; NetLibrary, Inc.
Preparing for the 21st century = the education imperative /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)
Use of laboratory animals in biomedical and behavioral research
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on the Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical and Behavioral Research.
Preparing for the 21st century = technology and the nation's future /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)
Preparing for the 21st century = challenges facing a changing society /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; National Research Council (U.S.)
Informing the future = critical issues in health /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
Science, medicine, and animals
Committee on the Use of Animals in Research (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Engaging schools = fostering high school students' motivation to learn/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Increasing High School Students' Engagement and Motivation to Learn.
Preventing HIV transmission = the role of sterile needles and bleach /
Moses, Lincoln E.; Normand, Jacques, (1954-); Vlahov, David.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Panel on Needle Exchange and Bleach Distribution Programs.; NetLibrary, Inc.
Toward a national strategy for long-term care of the elderly = a study plan for evaluation of new policy options for the future : report of a committee of the Institute of Medicine.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Fulfilling the potential of cancer prevention and early detection = an American Cancer Society and Institute of Medicine Symposium /
Herdman, Roger.; National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Lichtenfeld, Leonard.; American Cancer Society.
Science and babies = private decisions, public dilemmas /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Wymelenberg, Suzanne.
Informing the future = critical issues in health.
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
Meeting psychosocial needs of women with breast cancer
Herdman, Roger.; Hewitt, Maria Elizabeth.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.); Holland, Jimmie C.
Musculoskeletal disorders and the workplace = low back and upper extremities/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Panel on Musculoskeletal Disorders and the Workplace.
The health of former prisoners of war = results from the medical examination survey of former POWs of World War II and the Korean Conflict /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Medical Follow-up Agency.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Page, William Frank, (1948-)
A healthy NIH intramural program = structural change or administrative remedies? : report of a study by a committee of the Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Sciences Policy.
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee to Study Strategies to Strengthen the Scientific Excellence of the National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Program.
Evaluating food assistance programs in an era of welfare reform = summary of a workshop/
Evanson, Elizabeth.; Manski, Charles F.; Scanlan, Terri M.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on National Statistics, Board on Children, Youth and Families.; NetLibrary, Inc.
Preparing for a changing healthcare marketplace = lessons from the field /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Allocating federal funds for science and technology
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Criteria for Federal Support of Research and Development.; National Research Council (U.S.)
Comments on catalyzing U.S. World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) activities
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Engineering.; National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; United States., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.; World Climate Research Programme.
Improving intergroup relations among youth = summary of a research workshop /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children, Youth, and Families.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States
Fungal diseases = an emerging threat to human, animal, and plant health : workshop summary /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Forum on Microbial Threats.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Board on Global Health.; ProQuest (Firm); Olsen, LeighAnne.
Adolescent decision making = implications for prevention programs : summary of a workshop/
Crowell, Nancy A.; Fischhoff, Baruch, (1946-); Kipke, Michele.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Sciences (U.S.); National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children, Youth, and Families, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education.; NetLibrary, Inc.
Improving palliative care = we can take better care of people with cancer /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)
New findings on children, families, and economic self-sufficiency = summary of a research briefing/
Phillips, Deborah.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Children and Families.; Bridgman, Anne.; United States
Dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in the food supply = strategies to decrease exposure /
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)., Committee on the Implications of Dioxin in the Food Supply.; NetLibrary, Inc.
C漃mo mejorar el cuidado paliativo = podemos mejorar el cuidado de personas con c榥ncer.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.
Proposed framework for evaluating the safety of dietary supplements
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Board on Life Sciences.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Food and Nutrition Board.; Committee on the Framework for Evaluating the Safety of Dietary Supplements.
Exploring complementary and alternative medicine
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); Eisenberg, David, (M.D.); Woteki, Catherine E.
Broadening the base of treatment for alcohol problems = report of a study by a committee of the Institute of Medicine, Division of Mental Health and Behavioral Medicine.
NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.); National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (U.S.); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee for the Study of Treatment and Rehabilitation Services for Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse.
Scientific criteria to ensure safe food
Institute of Medicine (U.S.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Committee on the Review of the Use of Scientific Criteria and Performance Standards for Safe Food.
Women's health services- United States.
Shock, Hemorrhagic- therapy.
Fluid Therapy.
Ex-prisoners of war- Health and hygiene.
Alcoholism- Prevention
Research- United States.
Contraception- Social aspects.
Genetic Engineering.
Pregnancy- Adolescent.
High school teaching- United States.
School management and organization- United States.
Neoplasms- prevention & control- United States
Animal experimentation- Moral and ethical aspects.
Disease Models, Animal.
Poor children- United States.
Medical care- Trends.- United States
Older people- Abuse of- United States
Multicultural education.
Medical care- Quality control.- United States
Medical screening- Economic aspects.- United States.
Rectum- Cancer.
Food adulteration and inspection.
United States- Ethnic relations
Occupational Diseases- epidemiology.
Health Services Needs and Demands- trends- United States.
Nursing- Study and teaching- United States.
Women's Health- United States.
Animal experimentation.
Decision making in adolescence- United States.
Teenage pregnancy- Social aspects.
Food contamination.
Breast Neoplasms- psychology.
Counseling- methods.
Health Behavior- United States
M歋decine- Appareils et instruments.
Alcoholism- therapy.
Public Policy- United States.
Family violence
Child welfare- United States.
Government Agencies- organization & administration- United States.
Long-term care facilities- United States.
Older people- Medical care.
Environmental protection- Research- United States.
Mathematics- Study and teaching- United States.
Smallpox vaccine.
Smallpox- Vaccination.
Palliative treatment.
Public health surveillance- United States.
Terrorism- Prevention
Arm- Wounds and injuries.
Arm Injuries- epidemiology.
Back Injuries- epidemiology.
Diversity in the workplace- United States
Personnel Selection- United States
Environmental health.
Needle-Exchange Programs.
First aid in illness and injury.
Hemorrhagic shock- Treatment.
Military Medicine.
Endowment of research.
Dioxins- adverse effects.
Food Contamination- prevention & control.
Breast- Cancer
Psychotherapy- methods.
Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
Medical policy- United States
Medical innovations- Economic aspects
Medical instruments and apparatus- Evaluation
Child abuse
Medical care, Cost of.
Medical policy.
Social change- Research- United States.
Reference values (Medicine)
Food- Safety measures.
Pluralism (Social sciences)- Congresses.- United States
Fungal diseases of plants
Engineering- Study and teaching- United States.
AIDS (Disease)- Prevention.- United States
HIV Infections- prevention & control.
Health Policy- United States.
Medicine, Military.
Wounds and Injuries- therapy.
World War, 1939-1945- Prisoners and prisons.
Welfare economics- Government policy.
Breast Neoplasms- rehabilitation.
Survivors- psychology.
榼conomie de la sant歋- Innovations
Medical economics- United States.
Alcoholics- Rehabilitation
Child care services
Early childhood education.
Multiculturalism- Study and teaching (Early childhood)
Public health administration- Research- United States.
Long-term care of the sick- United States.
Long-Term Care.
Research- Environmental aspects- United States.
Educational technology.
Technological innovations- Government policy- United States.
Nutrition Assessment.
Food Microbiology.
Terrorism- Prevention.- United States
Intergroup relations- United States
Multiculturalism- Congresses.- United States
Alternative medicine- United States.
Health planning.
Health Personnel- United States
Interdisciplinary research.
Faculty advisors
Women's Rights- United States.
Fluid therapy.
Federal aid to research.
Health Policy- United States
Equipment and Supplies
Health Planning- United States.
Public Health- United States.
Health Services Needs and Demand- trends- United States.
Family violence- United States
Dietary supplements- Evaluation.
Quality of Health Care- United States.
Colon (Anatomy)- Cancer.
Colorectal Neoplasms- prevention & control- United States.
Mass Screening- economics- United States.
Energy Intake.
Nutritional Requirements.
Human rights- Guatemala.
Cancer- Pallitive treatment.
Science- Study and teaching
Science- Study and teaching- United States.
Korean War, 1950-1953- Prisoners and prisons.
Health Surveys- United States.
Social Problems.
Adolescence- United States.
Human reproductive technology- Moral and ethical aspects.
Ethics, Medical.
Reproductive Techniques.
Dioxins- Toxicology.
Cancer- Prevention- United States
Health planning- United States.
Crisis intervention (Mental health services)
Suicide- psychology
Child care
United States- Social policy- 1980-1993.
Health services administration- Quality control.- United States
Human ecology- Research- United States.
Reference Standards.
Medical policy- United States.
Scientists- Civil rights- Guatemala.
Back- Wounds and injuries.
Industrial accidents.
Low Back Pain- epidemiology.
Medical personnel- Recruiting- United States
Cultural Diversity- United States
Health risk assessment.
Emerging infectious diseases
Microorganisms- Evolution
Engineering- Study and teaching
Disinfectants- supply & distribution.
Women- Health and hygiene- United States.
Animals, Laboratory.
Risk-taking (Psychology) in adolescence- Prevention.- United States
Human reproduction- Social aspects.
Environmental Monitoring- methods.
Food Supply- standards.
Risk Management.
Motivation in education.
Health attitudes- United States
Insurance, Health- United States.
Medical care- United States.
Public health- United States.
Suicide- prevention & control
Child abuse- United States
Wife abuse- United States
Insurance, Health- Government policy.
Dietary supplements- Toxicology.
Technological innovations.
Human behavior- Research- United States.
United States- Social conditions
Nutrition Policy.
Criminal justice, Administration of- Guatemala.
United States- Race relations
Musculoskeletal Diseases- epidemiology.
Health planning- United States
Communicable diseases- Prevention
Mentoring in science
Chlorine and derivatives as disinfectants.
Needle exchange programs- United States.
Substance Abuse, Intravenous- complications.
Women's Health Services.
Laboratory animals.
Animal Welfare.
Alcoholism- Treatment
Public welfare administration- Food relief.
Groundwater flow.
Social Support.
American Cancer Society.
Delivery of Health Care- trends- United States.
Suicide- Prevention.
Research Support.
Health Services for the Aged- United States.
Mack, Myrna,- Assassination- Guatemala.
Trials (Assassination)- Guatemala.
Cancer- Palliative treatment.
Terminal care.
Youth- Social conditions- United States