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United States., Supreme Court.

Works: 1 works in 10 publications in 1 languages
The Rehnquist Court and civil rights / by: Tucker, D. F. B.; United States., Supreme Court. (Language materials, printed)
The least dangerous branch? = consequences of judicial activism / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; United States., Supreme Court.; Rothman, Stanley, (1927-); Smith College., Center for the Study of Social and Political Change.; Powers, Stephen, (1961-) (Language materials, printed)
Measuring judicial activism by: United States., Supreme Court.; Cross, Frank B.; Lindquist, Stefanie A., (1963-) (Language materials, printed)
Overruling democracy : = the Supreme Court vs. the American people / by: Raskin, Jamin B.; United States., Supreme Court. (Language materials, printed)
Popular justice = presidential prestige and executive success in the Supreme Court / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; United States., Supreme Court.; Yates, Jeff, (1965-) (Language materials, printed)
The Supreme Court and election law = judging equality from Baker v. Carr to Bush v. Gore / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Hasen, Richard L.; United States., Supreme Court. (Language materials, printed)
SCOTUS 2021 = major decisions and developments of the US Supreme Court / by: United States., Supreme Court.; SpringerLink (Online service); Marietta, Morgan. (Electronic resources)
Narrowing the nation's power = the Supreme Court sides with the states / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; United States., Supreme Court.; Noonan, John Thomas, (1926-) (Language materials, printed)
Concurring opinion writing on the U.S. Supreme Court by: United States., Supreme Court.; Project Muse.; Corley, Pamela C., (1967-) (Electronic resources)
Federal rules of civil procedure : = amendments received to May 21, 2007. by: United States., Supreme Court. (Language materials, printed)
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Rehnquist, William H., Sex discrimination against women- Law and legislation - United States Women- Legal status, laws, etc.- United States Confession (Law)- United States. Right to die- Law and legislation- United States. Journalistic ethics- United States. Mass media- Law and legislation- United States. France. Court of Justice of the European Communities. Judicial process- Psychological aspects.- United States US Politics. United States. Indians of North America- Legal status, laws, etc. Election law- United States. Racism- History.- United States Freedom of the press- United States. Judicial process- France. Conduct of court proceedings- Psychological aspects.- United States Antitrust law- United States. Electoral Politics. Civil rights- United States. Forensic sciences- United States. Affirmative action programs- Law and legislation- United States State governments- Privileges and immunities.- United States Apportionment (Election law)- United States. Law- Political aspects. Germany. Constitutional courts. Journalism- Objectivity- United States. Judicial process- European Union countries. Obedience (Law)- United States. United States.- History. LAW / Legal Services Courts of last resort- United States. Church and state- United States. Sociological jurisprudence Judicial review. Constitutional law- United States Judgments- United States. Constitutional history. LAW / Civil Procedure Constitutional Law. American Politics. Justice, Administration of- United States. Civil procedure- United States. Affirmative action programs- United States. National Collegiate Athletic Association. Political questions and judicial power- History.- United States Political Science. Governance and Government. Conservatism- United States. Constitutional law- United States. Courts- United States. Executive power- United States. Equality before the law- United States. Court rules- United States. Judicial review- United States. Pressure groups- United States. Judicial assistance. Political questions and judicial power. POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / Judicial Branch Popular Science in Political Science and International Relations. Public Policy. Public Law. Political questions and judicial power- United States. Government liability- States.- United States United States- Race relations Judges- Selection and appointment- United States. Appellate procedure- United States. Assisted suicide- Law and legislation- United States. Constitutional law- Decision making.- United States College sports- Law and legislation- United States. Constitutional history- United States. Judicial process- United States. Science and law- United States. Presidents- United States. Presidents- Election- 2000.- United States Segregation- Law and legislation- United States Law and ethics. Indians of North America- Civil rights Race discrimination- Law and legislation- United States Executive power- United States Separation of powers- United States. War and emergency powers- United States. Judicial power- United States. United States- Economic policy- 1981-1993 Concurring opinions- United States. College sports- Economic aspects- United States. Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History. Freedom of religion- United States. Politics and Gender.
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