Carr, Judy F.
Works: | 2 works in 1 publications in 1 languages |
Leading for inclusion : = how schools can build on the strengths of all learners /
Carr, Judy F.; Jones, Phyllis.; Fauske, Janice R.
(Language materials, printed)
A pig don't get fatter the more you weigh it : = classroom assessments that work /
Ataya, Rosemarie L.; Carr, Judy F.; Jones, Phyllis.
(Language materials, printed)
How to use standards in the classroom /
Carr, Judy F.; Harris, Douglas E.; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
(Language materials, printed)
A pig don't get fatter the more you weigh it = classroom assessments that work /
Ataya, Rosemarie L.; Carr, Judy F.; Jones, Phyllis.; NetLibrary, Inc.
(Language materials, printed)
Creating dynamic schools through mentoring, coaching, and collaboration /
Harris, Douglas E.; Herman, Nancy, (1950-); Carr, Judy F.
(Language materials, printed)
Teaching and leading from the inside out : = a model for reflection, exploration, and action /
Fauske, Janice R.; Rushton, Stephen.; Carr, Judy F.
(Language materials, printed)
與統整課程共舞 : = 教學實務與理論 /
卡爾 ((Carr, Judy F.)); 史帝文生 ((Stevenson, Chris)); 陳佩正; Carr, Judy F.; Stevenson, Chris.
(Language materials, printed)
Succeeding with standards = linking curriculum, assessment, and action planning /
Harris, Douglas E.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Carr, Judy F.
(Language materials, printed)
Succeeding with standards : = linking curriculum, assessment, and action planning /
Harris, Douglas E.; Carr, Judy F.
(Language materials, printed)
Curriculum planning- United States.
Group work in education.
Mentoring in education.
中等教育- 課程
Competency based education- United States.
Education- Standards- United States.
Educational tests and measurements- United States.
School supervision.
Children with disabilities- Education- United States.
Inclusive education- United States.
Teachers- Professional relationships.
Education- Curricula.- United States
Educational tests and measurements.
Lesson planning- United States.
Reflective teaching.
Mainstreaming in education- United States.