Great Britain
Works: | 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages |
New Labour and the civil service : = reconstituting the Westminster model /
Richards, David, (1968-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Politics for a new generation : = the progressive moment /
Margo, Julia.; Pearce, Nick, (1968-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The Blair effect 2001-5 /
Kavanagh, Dennis.; Seldon, Anthony.; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The Rise of New Labour = Party Policies and Voter Choices
Oxford University Press.; Great Britain; Great Britain; Curtice, John K.; Jowell, Roger M.; Heath, Anthony F.; Labour Party (Great Britain).
(Language materials, printed)
Developments in British public policy /
Dorey, Peter, (1959-); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Market-driven politics : = neoliberal democracy and the public interest /
Leys, Colin.; Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Ideology and image = Britain and language /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Ager, D. E.; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The almanac of British politics /
Great Britain; Criddle, Byron.; Waller, Robert.; Great Britain., Parliament.
(Language materials, printed)
New Labour at the Centre = Constructing Political Space
Oxford University Press.; Hindmoor, Andrew; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The conservatives in crisis = the Tories after 1997 /
Garnett, Mark, (1963-); Lynch, Philip, (1967-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Conservative Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Ten years of New Labour /
Beech, Matt.; Lee, Simon, (1963-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The British general election of 2005 /
Butler, David, (1924-); Kavanagh, Dennis.; Great Britain., Parliament; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Modern Britain since 1979 = a reader /
Collette, Christine.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Great Britain; Great Britain; Great Britain; Laybourn, Keith.
(Language materials, printed)
The Labour Party and constitutional reform = a history of constitutional conservatism /
Dorey, Peter, (1959-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Developments in British politics 8 /
Great Britain; Great Britain; Dunleavy, Patrick.
(Language materials, printed)
New Labour, new welfare state? : = the "Third Way" in British social policy /
Powell, Martin A., (1961-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
New Labour, new language? /
Fairclough, Norman, (1941-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The politics of good intentions : = history, fear and hypocrisy in the new world order /
Runciman, David.; Great Britain; United States
(Language materials, printed)
Where now for New Labour? /
Giddens, Anthony.; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Ten years of New Labour
Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; Beech, Matt.; Lee, Simon, (1963-); Palgrave Connect (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
New Labour = a critique /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Bevir, Mark.; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Modernising British local government : = an assessment of Labour's reform programme /
Stewart, John David, (1929-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Welfare-to-work : = New Labour and the US experience /
Cebulla, Andreas.; Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Immigration under New Labour /
Somerville, Will.; Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Third Force Politics = Liberal Democrats at the Grassroots
Oxford University Press.; Whiteley, Paul; Liberal Democrats (Great Britain); Billinghurst, Antony; Seyd, Patrick; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
New labour triumphs = Britain at the polls /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain; King, Anthony Stephen.; Great Britain., Parliament
(Language materials, printed)
Towards holistic governance : = the new reform agenda /
6, Perri, (1960-); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Interpreting governance, high politics, and public policy : = essays commemorating interpreting British governance /
Great Britain; Turnbull, Nick, (1967-)
(Language materials, printed)
Britain at the polls, 2001
NetLibrary, Inc.; Great Britain; King, Anthony Stephen.
(Language materials, printed)
Nationalism, devolution, and the challenge to the United Kingdom state
NetLibrary, Inc.; Great Britain; Aughey, Arthur.
(Language materials, printed)
The new progressive dilemma : = Australia and Tony Blair's legacy /
O'Reilly, David; Australian Labor Party.; Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Governing as New Labour : = policy and politics under Blair /
Ludlam, Steve, (1951-); Smith, Martin J. (1961-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
The political economy of new Labour : = labouring under false pretences? /
Hay, Colin, (1968-); Labour Party (Great Britain); Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
British politics : = a critical introduction /
McAnulla, Stuart.; Great Britain; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Show more
Great Britain- Social policy.
National health services- Great Britain.
English language- Political aspects- Great Britain.
Socialism- History- 20th century.- Great Britain
Public administration- Great Britain.
Elections- Great Britain.
Political parties- Great Britain.
Decentralization in government- Great Britain.
Blair, Tony,
Great Britain.- Elections, 2005.
Policy sciences- Great Britain.
Great Britain- Economic policy- 1997-
Local government- Great Britain.
Linguistic minorities- Great Britain.
Liberal Democrats (Great Britain)
United States- Politics and government- 2001-2009.
Constitutional law- Great Britain.
Labour Party (Great Britain)- Platforms.
Blair, Tony,- Language.
Welfare recipients- Employment- United States.
Great Britain.- Election districts.
Great Britain.- Elections, 1997.
Great Britain- Politics and government.
Public welfare- United States.
Welfare recipients- Employment- Great Britain.
Great Britain- History- Elizabeth II, 1952-
Conservative Party (Great Britain)
Public television- Great Britain.
September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001- Influence.
Labour Party (Great Britain)
Policy sciences.
Evaluation research (Social action programs)- United States.
European Union- Great Britain.
Language policy- Great Britain.
Civil service reform- Great Britain.
Civil service- Great Britain.
Law reform- Great Britain.
Ex-prime ministers- Great Britain.
Mixed economy- Great Britain.
Great Britain- Politics and government- 1997-
Great Britain- Politics and government- 1979-1997.
Nationalism- Great Britain.
Regionalism- Great Britain.
Language planning- Great Britain.
Australian Labor Party.
World politics- 21st century.
Public welfare- Great Britain.
Political oratory- History- 20th century.- Great Britain
Politicians- Language.- Great Britain
Blair, Tony,- Influence.
Labour Party (Great Britain).
Great Britain- Emigration and immigration
Public interest- Great Britain.
Political science- Philosophy.