Developing countries
作品: | 3 作品在 35 項出版品 3 種語言 |
The end of poverty : = economic possibilities for our time /
Sachs, Jeffrey.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Macroeconomics for developing countries /
Jha, Raghbendra.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Land policies for growth and poverty reduction
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Deininger, Klaus W., (1962-); Developing countries
The Uruguay Round and the developing economies
Winters, L. Alan.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Martin, Will.; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Uruguay Round ((1987-1994))
Rich nations, poor nations : = the long run perspective /
Aldcroft, Derek Howard.; Catterall, Ross, (1948-); Developing countries; Developing countries; International Economic History Congress. (1994 :)
The globalization and development reader : = perspectives on development and global change /
Roberts, J. Timmons.; Hite, Amy.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Socioeconomics of charity and poverty alleviation
Choudhury, Masudul Alam, (1948-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries
Business education and emerging market economies : = perspectives and best practices /
Alon, Ilan.; McIntyre, John R.; Developing countries
Targeting of transfers in developing countries = [review of lessons and experience] /
Hoddinott, John.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Coady, David.; Developing countries; Grosh, Margaret E.
Ecotourism, sustainable development, and cultural survival : = protecting indigenous culture and land through ecotourism.
Cultural Survival Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries
COVID-19 pandemic impact on new economy development and societal change
Developing countries; Developing countries; Popescu, Cristina Raluca Gh., (1983-)
Global economic prospects = realizing the development promise of the Doha Agenda : 2004.
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; World Trade Organization., Ministerial Conference (2001 :); Developing countries
Distribution and development = a new look at the developing world /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Fields, Gary S.; Developing countries
Natural resources and violent conflict = options and actions /
Bannon, Ian.; Collier, Paul.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries
Industrialization and development /
Hewitt, Tom.; Johnson, Hazel.; Wield, David.; Open University.; Developing countries
Globalization, growth, and poverty = building an inclusive world economy.
Collier, Paul.; Dollar, David.; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
From modernization to modes of production : = a critique of the sociologies of development and underdevelopment /
Taylor, John G., (1947-); Developing countries
World Bank research observer.. Vol. 14, no. 1
Yusuf, Shahid, (1949-); NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Syrquin, Moises.; Devarajan, Shantayanan, (1954-)
Global economic prospects and the developing countries 1996
Developing countries; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.
From plan to market
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
The end of poverty : = economic possibilities for our time /
Sachs, Jeffrey.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Economic development : = theories, evidence, and policies /
Ross, Clark G.; Hess, Peter N.; Developing countries
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 14, no. 1,. A symposium on trade and technology; a symposium on geographical targeting
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Data collection in fragile states = Innovations from Africa and Beyond /
Developing countries; Africa; SpringerLink (Online service); Hoogeveen, Johannes.; Pape, Utz.
Encountering development = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Poverty and development into the 21st century /
Developing countries; Allen, Tim, (1956-); Thomas, Alan, (1948-)
Economics and world history : = myths and paradoxes /
Bairoch, Paul.; Developing countries
Sustainable urban development and globalization = new strategies for new challenges : with a focus on the global south /
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Petrillo, Agostino.; Bellaviti, Paola.
Adjustment and equity in developing countries : = a new approach /
Bourguignon, Francois.; Developing countries; Morrisson, Christian.
A Dual world economy : = forty years of development experience /
Adriaansen, W. L. M.; Waardenburg, J. George.; Developing countries
Growth & development, with special reference to developing economies /
Thirlwall, A. P.; Developing countries
Building businesses with small producers = successful business development services in Africa, Asia, and Latin America /
Kapila, Sunita.; Mead, Donald C., (1935-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Information technology and development = a new paradigm for delivering the Internet to rural areas in developing countries /
NetLibrary, Inc.; James, Jeffrey.; Developing countries
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
The Uruguay Round and the developing economies /
Martin, Will, (1953-); Winters, L. Alan.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 11, No. 3, September 1997
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Financial crises : = and what to do about them /
Eichengreen, Barry J.; Developing countries
Developing economies /
Osiaty滱ski, Jerzy.; Kalecki, Micha.; Developing countries; Kalecki, Micha� (1990 ;)
Women and credit in pre-industrial and developing societies
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Europe; Jordan, William C., (1948-)
Mind the gap : = mainstreaming gender and participation in development /
International Institute for Environment and Development.; University of Sussex., Institute of Development Studies.; Kanji, Nazneen.; Developing countries
The present as history : = critical perspectives on contemporary global power /
Shaikh, Nermeen.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
The World Bank research observer.. Vol. 12, Number 2, August 1997
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Transnational corporations and economic development : = from internationalization to globalization /
Cuyvers, L.; De Beule, Filip, (1970-); Developing countries
Designing household survey questionnaires for developing countries. = lessons from 15 years of the living standards measurement study /. Vols. 1-3
Glewwe, Paul, (1958-); NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Grosh, Margaret E.
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume V,. Identities, representations, alternatives /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
Bureaucrats in business : = the economics and politics of government ownership.
World Bank.; Developing countries
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume VI,. Challenges for development /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
Economies in transition : = a guide to China, Cuba, Mongolia, North Korea and Vietnam at the turn of the twenty-first century /
Jeffries, Ian.; Communist countries; Developing countries
The challenge of Third World development /
Handelman, Howard, (1943-); Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
Global economic prospects and the developing countries
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; World Bank., Development Prospects Group.; Developing countries
Indigenous organizations and development /
Blunt, Peter, (1948-.); Uphoff, Norman Thomas.; Warren, Dennis M.; Developing countries
Global governance and financial crises
Said, Yahia, (1965-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Desai, Meghnad.
Promises not kept : = poverty and the betrayal of Third World development /
Isbister, John, (1942-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Trade, transfers, and development : = problems and prospects for the twenty-first century /
Murshed, Syed Mansoob.; Raffer, Kunibert, (1951-); Developing countries; Developing countries
The World Bank research observer.. Vol. 11, Number 2, August 1996
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 11, No. 2, May 1997
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume II,. The great transformation (part one) /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume III,. The great transformation (part two) /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
The impact of population growth on well-being in developing countries /
Kelley, Allen C.; Mason, Karen Oppenheim.; Ahlburg, Dennis A.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume IV,. States, politics and civil society /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
Les crises financi墈res = m歋canismes de d歋clenchement et de contagion /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Lahet, Delphine.
Development policy = an introduction to objectives and results /
Betz, Joachim.; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service)
Diverging growth and development /
Developing countries; Developing countries; United Nations., Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
The Political economy of poverty, equity, and growth : = a comparative study /
Hla Myint, (U.); Lal, Deepak.; Developing countries; Developing countries
AI and IoT for sustainable development in emerging countries = challenges and opportunities /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Boulouard, Zakaria.
State and statehood in the Global South = theoretical approaches and empirical studies /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Fahimi, Miriam.; Flatschart, Elmar.; Schaffar, Wolfram.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Intellectual property rights and economic development
Fink, Carsten.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Sepulveda, Claudia Paz, (1969-); Braga, Carlos Alberto Primo, (1954-)
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 12, No. 1, January 1998
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
The geography of underdevelopment = institutions and the impact of culture /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Khawar, Mariam.
Twenty-five years of economic development, 1950 to 1975 /
Developing countries; World Bank.; Morawetz, David.
Growth and development : = with special reference to developing economies /
Thirlwall, A. P.; Developing countries
Development policy and public action /
Hewitt, Tom.; Mackintosh, Maureen.; Wuyts, Marc.; Open University.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Economic progress and prospects in the Third World : = lessons of development experience since 1945 /
Roy, Sumit.; Singer, Hans Wolfgang, (1910-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Economic problems of the 1990s : = Europe, the developing countries, and the United States /
Developing countries; Europe, Eastern; European Economic Community countries; United States
Global financial turmoil and reform = a United Nations perspective /
Herman, Barry.; NetLibrary, Inc.; United Nations., Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs.; Developing countries; Pays en voie de d歋veloppement
Global economic prospects = trade, regionalism and development 2005.
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
The Palgrave handbook of south-south migration and inequality
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Crawley, Heaven.; Teye, Joseph Kofi.
Developmental state building = the politics of emerging economies /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Sonobe, Tetsushi.; Takagi, Yusuke.; Kanchoochat, Veerayooth.
Third World development : = problems and prospects /
Laidlaw, Karen A., (1949-1979,); Stockwell, Edward G.; Developing countries
Cooperation for international development : = the United States and the Third World in the 1990s /
Developing countries; Developing countries; United States; Berg, Robert J.; Gordon, David F.; Project on Cooperation for International Development (Michigan State University)
Transport and economic performance : = a survey of developing countries /
Developing countries; Creightney, Cavelle D., (1965-)
Natural resources and economic development /
Barbier, Edward, (1957-.); Developing countries; Developing countries
Impact assessment for Developing Countries = a guide for government officials and public servants /
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Nakaizumi, Takuya.
Peasants versus city-dwellers : = taxation and the burden of economic development /
Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sah, Raaj Kumar.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1995
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; World Bank Conference on Development Economics.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Development macroeconomics /
Montiel, Peter.; Agenor, Pierre-Richard.; Developing countries
Macroeconomics in emerging markets
NetLibrary, Inc.; Montiel, Peter.; Developing countries
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; World Bank Conference on Development Economics.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
Developing nations and the politics of global integration
NetLibrary, Inc.; Haggard, Stephan.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the third world /
Escobar, Arturo, (1951-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Re-thinking Freire = globalization and the environmental crisis /
Bowers, C. A.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Apffel-Marglin, Fr歋d歋rique.
Rethinking development geographies /
Power, Marcus, (1971-.); Developing countries
Drought challenges = policy options for developing countries /
Developing countries; Developing countries.; Mapedza, E.,; Tsegai, Daniel,; Brüntrup, Michael, (1961-); McLeman, Robert,
Blockchain in the Global South = opportunities and challenges for businesses and societies /
Kshetri, Nir.; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service)
The economics of development /
Hagen, Everett Einar, (1906-); Developing countries
Global economic prospects and the developing countries
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Pays en voie de d歋veloppement; World Bank., Development Prospects Group.
Development and underdevelopment in historical perspective : = populism, nationalism, and industrialization /
Kitching, G. N.; Developing countries
World development report.. 1995,. Workers in an integrating world.
Developing countries.; Developing countries; World Bank.; Developing countries
Global issues : = an introduction /
Seitz, John L., (1931-.); Developing countries; Developing countries
Emerging markets and the state = developmentalism in the 21st century /
Wylde, Christopher.; Developing countries; Asia; Latin America; SpringerLink (Online service)
The inequality adjusted gains from trade = evidence from developing countries /
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Artuc, Erhan.; Developing countries; Rijkers, Bob.; Porto, Guido.
The politics of economic inequality in developing countries
Nel, Philip.; Developing countries; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
Building credible central banks = policy lessons for emerging economies /
Tshiani, Noèel K.; Developing countries; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
Parliaments as peacebuilders in conflict-affected countries /
Johnston, Niall, (1961-); O'Brien, Mitchell.; Stapenhurst, Rick.; Developing countries
Globalizaci漃n, crecimiento y pobreza = construyendo una econom毃a mundial incluyente /
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
The Political economy of development and underdevelopment /
Jameson, Kenneth P.; Wilber, Charles K.; Developing countries
World regional geography : = a development approach /
Johnson, Douglas L.; Airriess, Christopher A.; Developing countries
Exploring post-development : = theory and practice, problems and perspectives /
Developing countries; Developing countries; Ziai, Aram.
Emerging states and economies = their origins, drivers, and challenges ahead /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Shiraishi, Takashi.; Sonobe, Tetsushi.
Bureaucrats in business = the economics and politics of government ownership.
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Corporate social responsibility in rising economies = fundamentals, approaches and case studies /
Developing countries; Schmidpeter, Rene.; SpringerLink (Online service); Mitra, Nayan.
Critical perspectives on emerging economies = an international assessment /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Mishra, Aswini Kumar.; Arunachalam, Vairam.; Patnaik, Debasis.
Development aid in stable democracies and fragile states
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Kabir, A. H. Monjurul.
Dynamics of institutional change in emerging market economies = theories, concepts and mechanisms /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Faghih, Nezameddin.; Samadi, Ali Hussein.
Globalization, marginalization and development
Murshed, Syed Mansoob.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries
The Changing political economy of the Third World /
Dorraj, Manochehr.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
Private sector development in low-income countries
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Land policies for growth and poverty reduction /
World Bank.; Deininger, Klaus W., (1962-); Developing countries
Large countries' development path = experience and theory /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Ouyang, Yao.
Globalisation, human rights education and reforms
Developing countries; Zajda, Joseph.; Ozdowski, Sev.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Growth and development : = with special reference to developing economies /
Thirlwall, A. P.; Developing countries
International finance and developing countries in a year of crisis = 1997 discussions at the United Nations /
Herman, Barry.; Sharma, Krishnan.; NetLibrary, Inc.; United Nations University.; United Nations., Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs.; Developing countries; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Pa毃ses subdesarrollados; Pays en voie de d歋veloppement
Global issues : = an introduction /
Seitz, John L., (1931-); Developing countries; Developing countries
How developing countries trade : = the institutional constraints /
Page, Sheila.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
The present as history : = critical perspectives on contemporary global power /
Shaikh, Nermeen.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
Population growth and economic development = policy questions/
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; National Research Council (U.S.)., Working Group on Population Growth and Economic Development.; Pises subdesarrollados
Emerging markets megatrends
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Biswas, Rajiv.
Global economic prospects and the developing countries 1997
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Green development = environment and sustainability in the Third World /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Adams, W. M. (1955-)
Poverty, Inc. : = fighting poverty is big business. But who profits the most? /. resented by Povertycure, Acton Media, and Coldwater Media ; producers, James F. Fitzgerald, Jr., Michael Matheson Miller ; Münkel and Mark Weber ; written by Jonathan Witt, Michael Matheson Miller, Simon Scionka ; directed by Michael Matheson Miller.
Developing countries; Developing countries; Münkel, Anielka.; Weber, Mark.; Witt, Jonathan, (1966-); Fitzgerald, James F.; Scionka, Simon.; Small, Tom.; Miller, Michael Matheson; Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.; PovertyCure (Organization)
Group behaviour and development : = is the market destroying cooperation? /
Heyer, Judith.; Stewart, Frances, (1940-); Thorp, Rosemary.; Developing countries
States of development : = on the primacy of politics in development /
Leftwich, Adrian.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Macroeconom毃a y salud = invertir en salud en pro del desarrollo econ漃mico : informe de la Comisi漃n sobre Macroeconom毃a y Salud /
Sachs, Jeffrey.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries
Reflections on economic development : = the selected essays of Michael P. Todaro /
Todaro, Michael P.; Developing countries
Beyond sweatshops = foreign direct investment and globalization in developing countries /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Moran, Theodore H., (1943-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Suppliers to multinationals = linkage programs to strenghten local companies in developing countries /
Frank, Isaiah, (1917-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Battat, Joseph Y.; Developing countries; Shen, Xiaofang, (1952-)
Development : = critical concepts in the social sciences.. Volume I,. Doctrines of development /
Corbridge, Stuart.; Developing countries
The World Bank research observer.. Vol. 14, Number 2, August 1999
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Syrquin, Moises.
The developing world : = an introduction /
Simpson, E. S. (1926-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Developing nations and the politics of global integration /
Haggard, Stephan.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 13, No. 3, September 1999
Bourguignon, Fran簙ois.; Zable, Ilyse,; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Unequal development : = an essay on the social formations of peripheral capitalism /
Amin, Samir.; Developing countries
Informal workers and organized action = narratives from the global south /
Developing countries; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Choudhary, Neetu.
The World Bank economic review.. Vol. 13, No. 2, May 1999
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries
Centuries of economic endeavor : = parallel paths in Japan and Europe and their contrast with the Third World /
Powelson, John P., (1920-); Developing countries; Europe; Japan
Legal-economic institutions, entrepreneurship, and management = perspectives on the dynamics of institutional change from emerging markets /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Faghih, Nezameddin.; Samadi, Ali Hussein.
Labour questions in the Global South
Developing countries; Jha, Praveen.; SpringerLink (Online service); Chambati, Walter.; Ossome, Lyn.
Globalization and the international financial system : = what's wrong and what can be done /
Isard, Peter.; International Monetary Fund.; Developing countries
Encountering development : = the making and unmaking of the Third World /
Escobar, Arturo, (1952-); Developing countries; Developing countries
States of development : = on the primacy of politics in development /
Leftwich, Adrian.; Developing countries; Developing countries
A guide to the World Bank
World Bank Group.; Developing countries; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 1995 /
Bruno, Michael.; Pleskovic, Boris.; World Bank.; World Bank Conference on Development Economics (1995 :); Developing countries; Developing countries
The future of freedom in the developing world : = economic development as political reform /
Developing countries; Owens, Edgar.
The World Bank research observer.. Vol. 13, Number 2, August 1998
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Global development finance = mobilizing finance and managing vulnerability.. II,. Summary and country tables 2005.
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Globalisation, poverty and conflict = a critical "development" reader /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Spoor, Max.
Global issues : = an introduction /
Seitz, John L., (1931-); Developing countries; Developing countries
Development and underdevelopment : = the political economy of inequality /
Seligson, Mitchell A.; Passe-Smith, John T.; Developing countries
Development NGOs and labor unions : = terms of engagement /
Developing countries; Eade, Deborah.; Leather, Alan.
Poverty, inequality, and innovation in the Global South
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Mtapuri, Oliver.
States, markets, and just growth = development in the twenty-first century /
Kohli, Atul.; Moon, Chung-in.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; S猛ensen, Georg, (1948-)
Transformations of global prosperity = how foreign investment, multinationals, and value chains are remaking modern economy /
Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Dowlah, Caf.
World development report. 1994,. infrastructure for development
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics.. 1997
Stiglitz, Joseph E.; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Developing countries; Developing countries; World Bank Conference on Development Economics.; Pleskovic, Boris.
Modernization as ideology = American social science and "nation building" in the Kennedy era /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; United States; Latham, Michael E.; Alliance for Progress.; Peace Corps (U.S.); Peace Corps (榼tats-Unis); 榼tats-Unis
Governance institutions and economic development = emerging China, India, East Asia and Brazil /
Roy, K. C. (1941-); Developing countries
Economic history.
International finance.
Women in economic development.
Gender identity.
Associations, institutions, etc.- Developing countries.
International economic relations.
Developing countries- Foreign economic relations.
Economic forecasting- European Economic Community countries.
Developing countries- Dependency on foreign countries.
Birth control- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Population
Economic assistance, American- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Foreign economic relations- United States.
United States- Foreign economic relations- Developing countries.
Pises subdesarrollados- Condiciones economicas.
Economic development- Environmental aspects- Developing countries.
Women- Finance, Personal
Financial crises- East Asia.
Finances internationales.
Commerce international.
Relations 歋conomiques internationales.
Former Soviet republics- Economic policy.
Questionnaires- Developing countries.
Medical economics- Developing countries.
Financial Management- trends.
Freire, Paulo,
Peace Corps (榼tats-Unis)
榼tats-Unis- Relations ext歋rieures- 1961-1963.
Investments, Foreign, and employment- Developing countries.
International business enterprises.
Conflict management- Developing countries.
Legislative bodies- Developing countries.
Resource allocation- Developing countries.
Economic development- Developing countries.
Educational Policy and Politics.
Political Economy.
Development Policy.
Sustainable Development.
Economic Systems.
Human services- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Politics and government
Populism- Developing countries.
Economics- Fieldwork.
Sustainable development- Technological innovations- Africa.
Research Methodology.
Africa- Economic conditions.
Economy-wide Country Studies.
Political Economy/Economic Systems.
Developing countries.
Sustainability Management.
Developing countries- Commercial policy
Ecotourism- Developing countries.
Income distribution.
Rural poor- Taxation- Developing countries.
Taxation- Developing countries.
Countertrade- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Commerce.
Asia- Economic policy.
International trade.
Developing Countries- economics.
Europe, Eastern- Economic policy- 1989-
Non-governmental organizations- Developing countries.
Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Pol毃tica comercial.
Intellectual property- Developing countries.
Intellectual property.
Free trade.
Investments, Foreign- Developing countries.
D歋veloppement social- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- Nouveaux pays industrialis歋s
Economic development projects- Developing countries
Investments, Foreign- Government policy- Developing countries.
Economics- Sociological aspects.
Sustainable development.
Banks and banking, Central- Developing countries.
Political Science and International Relations.
Latin American Politics.
Asian Politics.
International Economics.
Economic Growth.
International Political Economy.
Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics/Financial Economics.
Development and Social Change.
Economic Policy.
History of South Asia.
Economic development- Research.
Industrial relations- Developing countries.
Asian Economics.
Political Theory.
Agricultural innovations- Developing countries.
Blockchains (Databases)- Developing countries.
Blockchains (Databases)- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Supply Chain Management.
Human Geography.
Developing countries- Politics and government.
Historical materialism.
Sustainable development- Developing countries.
Investments- Developing countries.
Free trade- History.
Land tenure- Developing countries.
Rural poor- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Population.
Economic assistance- Developing countries.
Economic development- political aspects- Developing countries.
Europe- Economic conditions- 16th century.
Economic history- 1990-
Pays en voie de d歋veloppement- Conditions 歋conomiques.
Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Condiciones econ漃micas.
Small business- Developing countries.
Intellectual property- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Globalization- Economic aspects.
Telecommunication- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Peace Corps (U.S.)
Social sciences- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
Mixed economy- Developing countries.
Economic developmnent- Developing countries.
World politics- 1989-
Human rights- Developing countries.
Economic policy.
Regional Development.
Asia- Politics and government.
Globalization- Social aspects.
Regional/Spatial Science.
International Business.
Economic assistance- Evaluation.
Political stability- Economic aspects.
Economic Theory/Quantitative Economics/Mathematical Methods.
Institutional/Evolutionary Economics.
Public Economics.
International Organization.
Informal sector (Economics)- Employees.- Developing countries
Labor unions- Organizing- Developing countries.
Data Engineering.
Poverty- Government policy- Developing countries.
Political Philosophy.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Economic conditions.
Social values.
Sex role- Developing countries.
Organizational behavior.
Income distribution- Developing countries.
Industrialization- Developing countries.
Economic forecasting- Developing countries.
Economic forecasting- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Eastern- Economic conditions- 1989-
United States- Economic conditions- 1981-
Europe- Economic conditions.
Transportation- Developing countries.
Colonies- Economic conditions.
Economic development- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Economic development- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Consumer credit- History.
Histoire 歋conomique- 1990-
Finance- Developing countries.
Pr歋vision 歋conomique.
Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Arancel de aduana.
Industrial procurement- Developing countries.
Household surveys- Developing countries.
Social change.
Economic assistance, Domestic- Developing countries.
Monetary policy- Developing countries.
Investments, Foreign- Moral and ethical aspects- Developing countries.
Investments, Foreign.
Labor unions- Developing countries.
Curriculum Studies.
Economic History.
Economic development- Political aspects.
Latin America- Politics and government.
Social Work and Community Development.
History of China.
Droughts- Economic aspects.
Economic Aspects of Globalization.
Political Economy and Economic Systems.
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Emerging Markets and Globalization.
Sociology of Migration.
Economic development.
Developing countries- Economic policy.
Associations, institutions, etc.
Japan- Economic conditions.
Government business enterprises- Developing countries.
Farm ownership- Developing countries.
Land reform- Developing countries.
Land use- Government policy- Developing countries.
Natural resources- Developing countries.
Finances- Pays en voie de d歋veloppement.
Pr歋vision 歋conomique- Pays en voie de d歋veloppement.
International business enterprises- Subcontracting- Developing countries.
Civil war- Developing countries.
Public Health Administration- economics.
International economic integration.
Environmental education- Developing countries.
Globalization- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Human ecology- Social aspects- Developing countries.
Poverty- International cooperation.
Poor- Developing countries.
Projets de d歋veloppement 歋conomique- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- Vi綣t-nam
Sciences sociales- Aspect politique- 20e si墈cle.- 榼tats-Unis
Economic development- Effect of globalization on.
International business enterprises- Developing countries.
International relations.
Intellectuals- Interviews.
Equality- Developing countries.
Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning.
Development Aid.
Governance and Government.
Big data- Economic aspects- Africa.
Working class- Economic conditions.- Developing countries
Public Finance.
Labor supply.
Political History.
Computational Intelligence.
Cyber-Physical Systems.
Big Data.
Economic development- Developing countries
Political Science.
Economic geography.
Democracy- Developing countries.
Economic development- Social aspects.
Women in development.
Organizational behavior- Developing countries.
Business schools- Curricula- Developing countries.
Developing countries- Economic integration.
Industrial productivity- Developing countries.
Industrial efficiency- Developing countries.
Socialism- Developing countries.
Economic history- 1945-.
International Monetary Fund.
Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Finanzas.
Economic forecasting.
Uruguay Round
Paises subdesenvolvidos (economia)
Nationalism- Developing countries.
World Bank Group.
World Trade Organization.
Health Policy- economics.
Health Resources- economics.
Developing countries
Capital movements- Developing countries.
Green movement- Developing countries.
Nationalism- History- 20th century.- United States
Alliance pour le progr墈s.
New business enterprises- Developing countries
Small business- Developing countries
Manufacturing industries- Employees.- Developing countries
Social change- Developing countries.
Higher Education.
Economic Geography.
Democracy- Economic aspects.
Development Theory.
Information services- Economic aspects- Africa.
African Economics.
Labor Economics.
Entrepreneurship- Developing countries.
Corporate Social Responsibility.
Development Studies.
Public Policy.
International Relations.
Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology.
Artificial Intelligence.
Human Migration.
Population and Demography.
Developing countries- Emigration and immigration.
Economic history- 1945-
Developing countries- Social conditions.
Financial crises- Prevention.
Business education- Developing countries.
Rural development- Developing countries.
European Economic Community countries- Economic conditions.
Government ownership- Developing countries.
Economic assistance- Evaluation.- Developing countries
Right of property- Developing countries.
Planejamento economico
Tariff- Developing countries.
Poor- Health and hygiene.
Environmental degradation- Developing countries.
Social conflict- Economic aspects.
Debts, External- Developing countries.
Information technology- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Alliance for Progress.
D歋veloppement 歋conomique- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- Nouveaux pays industrialis歋s
Communist countries- Economic conditions.
African Politics.
Organizational change- Developing countries.
Droughts- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
International division of labor.
Structural adjustment (Economic policy)- Developing countries.
International Trade.
Critical Theory.
Financial crises- Developing countries.
Economic forecasting- United States.
Developing countries- Commercial policy.
Social history- 1945-
Development economics.
Poverty- Developing countries.
Community development- Societies, etc.- Developing countries
Indigenous peoples- Developing countries.
Globalization- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Women- History- Middle Ages, 500-1500.
Crises financi墈res- Extr綣me-Orient.
Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Comercio.
Industries- Developing countries.
Intellectual property- Economic aspects.
Developing countries- Economic conditions- 20th century.
Internet- Economic aspects- Developing countries.
Economic development projects- History- 20th century.- Vietnam
Social change- History- 20th century.- Developing countries
Nationalisme- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- 榼tats-Unis
United States- Foreign relations- 1961-1963.
Foreign trade and employment- OECD countries.
Consensus (Social sciences)- Developing countries.
Economic assistance.
International and Comparative Education.
Development Economics.
Urbanization- Developing countries.
Environmental Management.
Cultural Heritage.
Big Data/Analytics.
Economic development- History.
Labor- Developing countries.
Management- Developing countries.
Public administration- Developing countries.
Social responsibility of business- Developing countries.
Corporate Governance.
Labor supply- Developing countries.
Sustainable development- Technological innovations.
Artificial intelligence.
Internet of things- Developing countries.
Innovation and Technology Management.