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Moran, Dermot.

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Phenomenology of sociality = discovering the 'we' / by: Moran, Dermot.; Szanto, Thomas. (Electronic resources)
Logical investigations.. volune I / by: Moran, Dermot.; Husserl, Edmund, (1859-1938.) (Language materials, printed)
Phenomenology : = critical concepts in philosophy.. Vol. 4,. Expanding horizons of phenomenology / by: Moran, Dermot.; Embree, Lester E. (Language materials, printed)
Phenomenology : = critical concepts in philosophy.. Vol. 5,. The heritage of phenomenology / by: Moran, Dermot.; Embree, Lester E. (Language materials, printed)
Logical investigations.. volune II / by: Moran, Dermot.; Husserl, Edmund, (1859-1938.) (Language materials, printed)
Routledge phenomenology reader / by: Mooney, Timothy, (1962-); Moran, Dermot. (Language materials, printed)
The Routledge companion to twentieth century philosophy / by: Moran, Dermot. (Language materials, printed)
Phenomenology : = critical concepts in philosophy.. Vol. 2,. Phenomenology: themes and issues / by: Moran, Dermot.; Embree, Lester E. (Language materials, printed)
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