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Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.)

作品: 1 作品在 5 項出版品 2 種語言
Hard times / by: Schlicke, Paul.; Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Becoming Dickens = the invention of a novelist / by: Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert. (書目-電子資源)
Brief lives : = Charles Dickens / by: Gregory, Melissa Valiska.; Klimaszewski, Melisa. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Great expectations / by: Flint, Kate.; Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); England; Cardwell, Margaret. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
How to study a Charles Dickens novel / by: Selby, Keith. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
A tale of two cities / by: Browne, Hablot Knight, (1815-1882,); Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); France; London (England); Paris (France) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
A Christmas carol : = with a A Christmas tree / by: Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); Ingpen, Robert R.; Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bleak house / by: Browne, Hablot Knight, (1815-1882,); Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); London (England) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Hard times : = an authoritative text, contexts, criticism / by: Kaplan, Fred, (1937-); Monod, Sylvere, (1921-); Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); England (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The life and adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit by: Ingham, Patricia.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Dickens, Charles, (1812-1870.); England; United States (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Lookalikes- Fiction. Orphans- Fiction. Authors, English. Gambling- Fiction.- England Family-owned business enterprises Marshalsea Prison (Southwark, London, England) Sentimentalism in literature. Bereavement. Infant. Child labor French- Fiction.- England Men- Societies and clubs Novelists, English- 19th century British- United States England- Social life and customs- 19th century. Ghost stories. Bellow, Saul.- Seize the day. Malamud, Bernard.- Natural. Hemingway, Ernest,- Sun also rises. Hugo, Victor,- Miserables. Rolvaag, O. E.- Giants in the earth. Momaday, N. Scott,- House made of dawn. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Cat's eye. Dos Passos, John,- U.S.A. Wharton, Edith,- Summer. American fiction- 20th century. Eliot, George,- Silas Marner. M�ring, Marcel.- In Babylon. Okada, John.- No-no boy. England- Social life and customs Children's stories, English. Short stories, English. Man-woman relationships Christmas Mann, Thomas, Dickens, Charles,- Bleak House. Science. London (England)- Social life and customs- 18th century. English fiction- History and criticism.- 19th century Literature and technology- History- 19th century.- Great Britain Married people- Fiction. France. Poor families London (England)- History- 18th century Man-woman relationships- Fiction. Audiobooks. Fathers and daughters- Fiction. Dickens, Charles,- David Copperfield. Christmas stories, English. Children of prisoners Death. Child. Gamblers United States- Description and travel Feature films. Dickens, Charles,- Indexes. Quotations, English. Faulkner, William,- Sound and the fury. Naylor, Gloria.- Women of Brewster Place. Literature- History and criticism. Dickens, Charles,- Tale of two cities. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Bean trees. Walker, Alice,- Color purple. Austen, Jane,- Persuasion. Bellow, Saul.- Herzog. Morrison, Toni.- Sula. Fiction- 19th century. Frazier, Charles,- Cold Mountain. English language Dickens, Charles,- Christmas carol. Bildungsromans. Dickens, Charles,- Characters Novelists, English- Biography.- 19th century England- Social conditions- 19th century Men- Societies and clubs- England Missing persons- Fiction. Children- Mortality- 19th century.- Great Britain Death in literature. Christmas- Fiction. Films for the hearing impaired. Pickpockets- England Crane, Stephen,- Red badge of courage. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Card, Orson Scott.- Ender's game. Erdrich, Louise.- Love medicine. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Pigs in heaven. Hugo, Victor,- Hunchback of Notre Dame. Stevenson, Robert Louis,- Treasure island. Fiction- 20th century. Crane, Stephen,- Maggie : a girl of the streets. Fitzgerald, F. Scott- This side of paradise. Grahame, Kenneth,- Wind in the willows. Cooper, James Fenimore,- Deerslayer. Readers (Adult) Misers Gordon Riots, 1780 Apprentices England- Social life and customs- 19th century Executions and executioners- Fiction. Dickens, Charles, Dickens, Charles,- Hard times. Social problems- Fiction.- England Social problems- England. American literature- History and criticism.- 19th century Children in literature. Literature, Modern. Boys Stepfathers Problem families Young women Antique dealers Grandfathers- Fiction. Grandparent and child Baldwin, James,- Go tell it on the mountain. Alvarez, Julia.- How the Garcia girls lost their accents. Clavell, James.- Sho�gun. Rand, Ayn.- Atlas shrugged. Tyler, Anne.- Breathing lessons. Flaubert, Gustave,- Madame Bovary. Harris, Marilyn,- Hatter Fox. Hemingway, Ernest,- For whom the bell tolls. Jin, Ha,- Waiting. Roth, Philip.- American pastoral. Graphic novels. Reading comprehension European fiction- History and criticism.- 20th century Speech in literature. Communication and technology- History- 19th century.- Great Britain England Ex-convicts England- Fiction. Businesspeople Inheritance and succession Social problems Criminals- Fiction.- England Theatrical companies- Fiction. Girls Choral conductors Avarice Orphans- England Anderson, Sherwood,- Winesburg, Ohio. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Handmaid's tale. Dickens, Charles,- Great expectations. Esquivel, Laura,- Como agua para chocolate. Hinton, S. E.- Outsiders. Wharton, Edith,- Ethan Frome. Green, Hannah.- Dead of the house. Greene, Bette,- Summer of my German soldier. Tolstoy, Leo,- Voina i mir. Davis, Rebecca Harding,- Margret Howth. Dumas, Alexandre,- Trois mousquetaires. Porter, Katherine Anne,- Ship of fools. Hawthorne, Nathaniel,- House of the seven gables. Russo, Richard,- Empire Falls. Boarding schools Orphans. Utilitarianism France- Histoire- 1789-1799 (Révolution) Scrooge, Ebenezer (Fictitious character)- Fiction. Sick children- Fiction. Locksmiths Poor children Revenge- Fiction. Compact discs. Boarding schools- Fiction. Fathers- Death Uncles- Fiction. Guardian and ward Inheritance and succession- England Dickens, Charles,- Quotations. Bronte, Charlotte,- Jane Eyre. Gordimer, Nadine.- July's people. Wiesel, Elie,- Night. Fiction- History and criticism. Dick, Philip K.- Do androids dream of electric sheep? Garcia Marquez, Gabriel,- Cien anos de soledad. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel,- Cronica de una muerte anunciada. Leroux, Gaston,- Phantom of the opera. Buck, Pearl S.- Good earth. Ghosts European fiction- History and criticism.- 19th century Musicals Science in literature. LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Criminals- England Manners and customs. English literature- Publishing- 19th century.- Great Britain London (England) Benefactors Young men- Fiction.- England Fiction. English fiction- History and criticism Recitations. British- Travel- United States Dickens, Charles,- Oliver Twist. Children- Death Widows Illegitimate children Dickens, Charles,- Selections. Triangles (Interpersonal relations) Christmas stories. Ghosts- Fiction. Television mini-series. Mason, Bobbie Ann.- In country. Gaines, Ernest J.,- Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Steinbeck, John,- Pearl. Emecheta, Buchi.- Wreslting match. Twain, Mark,- Connecticut yankee in King Arthur's court. American fiction- 19th century. Theatrical companies Flaubert, Gustave, Orphans Bronte, Charlotte,- Shirley. Eliot, George,- Felix Holt, the radical. 英國文學 France- History- Revolution, 1789-1799 Young men Paris (France)- History- 1789-1799 Dickens, Charles,- Criticism and interpretation. Children- In literature. Criticism- Authorship. Debt, Imprisonment for London (England)- Social life and customs- 19th century Criminals Orphans- Fiction.- England English literature- History and criticism.- 19th century Separation (Psychology) Potok Chaim.- Chosen. Remarque, Erich Maria,- All quiet on the Western front. Silko, Leslie,- Ceremony. Forster, E. M.- Howards end. Mailer, Norman.- Naked and the dead. Irving, John,- Prayer for Owen Meany. Zindel, Paul.- Pigman. Wells, H. G.- War of the worlds. Wilde, Oscar,- Picture of Dorian Gray. English fiction- 19th century. Chabon, Michael.- Amazing adventures of Kavalier & Clay. Ford, Richard,- Independence day. Hegi, Ursula.- Stones from the river. Fiction in English. Criminals. Books and reading- History- 19th century.- Great Britain