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Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Solidarity in the conversation of humankind = the ungroundable liberalism o by: Geras, Norman,1943-; kweilin; to yen so; Geras, Norman (1943-) (Language materials, printed)
Althusser = a critical reader by: Elliott, Gregory.; kweilin; yu mei hui (Language materials, printed)
Social change and modernization = lessons from Eastern Europe by: Grancelli, Bruno, 1943-; kweilin; yu mei hui; Grancelli, Bruno, (1943-) (Language materials, printed)
Resources of hope = culture, democracy, socialism by: kweilin; to yen so; Williams, Raymond. (Language materials, printed)
Critical social theory = culture, history, and the challenge of difference by: Calhoun, Craig J.,1952-; kweilin; to yen so; Calhoun, Craig J. (1952-) (Language materials, printed)
The socialness of things = essays on the socio-semiotics of objects by: kweilin; yu mei hui; Riggins, Stephen Harold, (1946-); Riggins, Stephen Harold, 1946- (Language materials, printed)
The bodies of women = ethics, embodiment, and sexual difference by: Diprose, Rosalyn.; kweilin; yu mei hui (Language materials, printed)
Between feminism and labor = the significance of the comparable worth movem by: kweilin; yu mei hui; Blum, Linda M. (Language materials, printed)
Marxism, 1844-1990 = origins, betrayal, rebirth by: Gottlieb, Roger S.; kweilin; yu mei hui (Language materials, printed)
Baudrillard = a critical reader by: Kellner, Douglas, 1943-; kweilin; to yen so; Kellner, Douglas, (1943-) (Language materials, printed)
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