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Georgiev, Ivan.

Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = 13th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, December 18-20, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria, revised selected papers / by: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics., Bulgarian Section. (2018 :); Georgiev, Ivan.; Kostadinov, Hristo.; Lilkova, Elena.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = revised selected papers of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 21-22, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria / by: BGSIAM (Conference) (2015 :); Georgiev, Krassimir.; Todorov, Michail.; Georgiev, Ivan.; Institut po matematika i informatika (Bulgarska akademii︠a︡ na naukite),; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = 15th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, December 15-17, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria : revised selected papers / by: Georgiev, Ivan.; Kostadinov, Hristo.; Lilkova, Elena.; SpringerLink (Online service); Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics., Annual Meeting (2020 :) (Electronic resources)
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = 14th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 17-19, 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria : revised selected papers / by: Georgiev, Ivan.; Kostadinov, Hristo.; Lilkova, Elena.; SpringerLink (Online service); BGSIAM (Conference) (2019 :) (Electronic resources)
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = 12th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 20-22, 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria revised selected papers / by: Georgiev, Krassimir.; Todorov, Michail.; Georgiev, Ivan.; SpringerLink (Online service); Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics., Bulgarian Section. (2017 :) (Electronic resources)
Advanced computing in industrial mathematics = 11th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM December 20-22, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria : revised selected papers / by: BGSIAM (Conference) (2016 :); Georgiev, Krassimir.; Todorov, Michail.; Georgiev, Ivan.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Numerical methods and applications = 10th International Conference, NMA 2022, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 22-26, 2022 : proceedings / by: Georgiev, Ivan.; SpringerLink (Online service); NMA (Conference) (2022 :) (Electronic resources)
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