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Works: 1 works in 21 publications in 1 languages
操縱彩虹的少年 / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
假面飯店 = = Masquerade eve : 前夜 / by: 東野圭吾; 陳系美 (Language materials, printed)
和魔女共度的七天 = = Seven days he spent with the Laplace's witch / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
白雪之劫 / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
殺人之門 / by: 東野圭吾; 張智淵 (Language materials, printed)
魔力的胎動 : = = Laplace's movement / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
天鵝與蝙蝠 / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
平行世界的愛情故事 / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
拉普拉斯的魔女 = = Laplace's witch / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
冷酷の代課老師 / by: 東野圭吾; 王蘊潔 (Language materials, printed)
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