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Liu, Peng.

Works: 2 works in 6 publications in 1 languages
A stochastic volatility model and inference for the term structure of interest rates. by: North Carolina State University.; Liu, Peng. (Language materials, printed)
New peak-to-average power ratio reduction schemes for OFDM systems. by: Liu, Peng.; Concordia University (Canada). (Electronic resources)
Graphical models for security = 4th International Workshop, GraMSec 2017, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 21, 2017 : revised selected papers / by: Liu, Peng.; Mauw, Sjouke.; Stolen, Ketil.; SpringerLink (Online service); GraMSec (Workshop) (2017 :) (Electronic resources)
Transforming turnaround schools in China = approaches, challenges and achievements / by: Liu, Peng.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Essays on Social Network, Consumption and Leadership in Video-Game Community. by: Liu, Peng.; Indiana University., Business. (Electronic resources)
Evolutionary dynamics of digitized organizational routines. by: Liu, Peng.; Michigan State University., Business Administration & Information Systems. (Language materials, printed)
Information Security and Cryptology = 4th international conference, Inscrypt 2008, Beijing, China, December 14-17, 2008 ; revised selected papers / by: Lin, Dongdai.; Liu, Peng.; Yung, Moti.; SpringerLink (Online service); Inscrypt 2008 ((2008 :) (Language materials, printed)
Theory and models for cyber situation awareness by: Liu, Peng.; Jajodia, Sushil.; Wang, Cliff.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Machine learning contests = a guidebook / by: Liu, Peng.; SpringerLink (Online service); Qian, Qian.; Wang he. (Electronic resources)
Micro-electro-opto-fluidic systems for biomedical drug screening and electromagnetic filtering and cloaking applications. by: Liu, Peng.; Iowa State University., Electrical and Computer Engineering. (Electronic resources)
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