Learning about learning disabilities
Wong, Bernice Y. L.

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  • Learning about learning disabilities
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Learning about learning disabilities/ edited by Bernice Y.L. Wong.
    其他作者: Wong, Bernice Y. L.
    出版者: San Diego :Elsevier Academic Press, : c2004.,
    面頁冊數: xix, 632 p. :ill. ;24 cm.
    內容註: section I. Conceptual, historical, and research aspects of learning disabilities -- 1. Learning disabilities : an historical and conceptual overview/ Joseph K. Torgesen -- I. Current status of the field -- II. A historical perspective -- III. Current and future issues -- IV. Concluding comments -- 2. Learning disabilities and memory/ H. Lee Swanson, John B. Cooney, John K. McNamara -- I. Introduction -- II. A historical perspective -- III. Contemporary research -- IV. Parallels to normal memory development -- V. Components and stages of information processing -- VI. Memory research in perspective -- VII. Trends in memory research -- VIII. Implications from contemporary memory research for instruction -- IX. Summary and conclusion -- 3. Language processes and reading disabilities/ Maureen Hoskyn -- I. Introduction -- II. Theoretical approaches to language acquisition -- III. Language and reading -- IV. Language, word recognition, and reading disabilities -- V. Sources of individual differences -- VI. Language, reading comprehension and reading disabilities -- VII. Future challenges -- 4. Peer relationships and learning disabilities/ Ruth Pearl, Mavis L. Donahue -- I. Introduction -- II. What are the characteristics of peer relationships of students with learning disabilities? -- III. What factors might be linked to the peer relationships of students with learning disabilities? -- IV. Future research directions -- 5. Self-regulation among students with LD and ADHD/ Karen R. Harris, Robert R. Reid, Steve Graham -- I. Defining and understanding self-regulation -- II. Theoretical bases for research on self-regulation -- III. Common self-regulation processes : application with students with LD and ADHD -- IV. Self-regulation and major dependent variables -- V. Factors influencing and influenced by self-regulation -- VI. Self-regulation of strategic performance -- VII. Conclusion -- 6. The reading brain in children and youth : a systems approach/ Virginia W. Berninger -- I. Brain as a functional system -- II. Important processes in the reading brain -- III. Imaging studies of children and youth with and without reading disabilities -- Summary of sections I, II, and III -- IV. Implications for assessment and instructional intervention --
    內容註: section II. Instructional aspects of learning disabilities -- 7. Difficulties in reading comprehension for students with learning disabilities/ Lorraine Graham, Anne Bellert -- I. Introduction -- II. Students' difficulties in reading comprehension -- III. Effective reading comprehension instruction -- IV. Future directions -- 8. Writing instruction/ Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, Charles MacArthur -- Introduction -- I. Writing is critical to children's success in school and beyond -- II. What are the ingredients involved in learning to write -- III. The writing of students with LD -- IV. Principles of writing instruction -- V. Concluding comments -- 9. Instructional interventions in mathematics for students with learning disabilities/ Margo A. Mastropieri ... [et al.] -- I. Introduction -- II. Learning disabilities and mathematics achievement -- III. Instruction referenced to NCTM standards -- IV. Interventions on computation skills -- V. Cognitive strategy instruction -- VI. Use of manipulatives -- VII. Studies involving peer mediation -- VIII. Discussion -- 10. Social competence/social skills of students with learning disabilities : interventions and issues/ Sharon Vaughn, Jane Sinagub, Ae-Hwa Kim -- I. Scope and objectives -- II. Overview of social competence/social skills -- III. Instructional method -- IV. Issues -- V. Future directions for social skills intervention research -- VI. Summary -- 11. Strategic academic interventions for adolescents with learning disabilities/ Martha J. Larkin, Edwin S. Ellis -- I. Introduction -- II. Empowerment strategies for academic success and independence -- III. Strategic instructional practices -- IV. Teaching high-impact strategies -- V. Conclusion -- 12. Social competence of adolescents with learning disabilities : interventions and issues/ Nancy L. Hutchinson, John G. Freeman, Derek H. Berg -- I. Introduction -- II. Review of descriptive studies of social competence of adolescents with LD -- III. Review of intervention research to enhance social competence of adolescents with LD -- IV. Informing the search for alternative approaches -- V. Implications for practice and research on social competence interventions -- VI. Summary and conclusion -- 13. The science of schooling for students with learning disabilities : recommendations for service delivery linking practice with research/ Jean B. Crockett -- I. Science and schooling for students with LD -- II. Identifying effective instruction for students with LD -- III. Are students with LD receiving specialized instruction designed to be effective? -- IV. Recommendations for service delivery that links practice with research -- 14. A community of practice : implications for learning disabilities -- Annemarie Sullivan Palincsar, Jane N. Cutter, Shirley J. Magnusson -- I. Setting the stage : teaching in contemporary inclusive schools -- II. Constituting an educational community of practice -- III. Guided inquiry supporting multiple literacies (GIsML) -- IV. Concluding case studies in included students in GIsML instruction -- V. Constructing and analyzing the case studies -- VI. Linking teacher learning and student learning -- VII. The teachers' reflections -- VIII. Conclusion -- Appendix 1. Vignettes from Evan's experience with the light program of study --
    內容註: section III. A lifespan approach to understanding learning disabilities -- 15. Learning dis/ability as the intersection of competing discourses : implications for classrooms, parents, and research/ D. Kim Reid, Jan Weatherly Valle -- I. Introduction -- II. Discursive practices of dis/ability -- III. Implications for the classroom -- IV. Implications for parents (caregivers) -- V. Implications for research -- VI. Conclusions -- 16. Adolescents with learning disabilities : revisiting The educator's enigma/ B. Keith Lenz, Donald D. Deshler -- I. Introduction -- II. Historical context -- III. How research has informed practice -- IV. Future research -- V. Conclusion -- 17. Adults with learning disabilities/ Deborah L. Butler -- I. Introduction -- II. Refocusing on adults with LD : an historical overview -- III. LD from a lifespan perspective -- IV. Challenges facing adults with LD -- V. Accounting for individual differences -- VI. Programs and interventions -- VII. Reflection : progress and future directions -- 18. Understanding learning disabilities through a father's perspective / J.D. Mashburn -- Christine Greenhaw Mashburn Institute, 2000.
    標題: Learning disabilities. -
    電子資源: http://www.engineeringvillage.com/controller/servlet/OpenURL?genre=book&isbn=9780127625331An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    電子資源: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127625331An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    電子資源: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0417/2004008886.html
    電子資源: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/els051/2004008886.html
    ISBN: 012762533X
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