The scientific study of human nature...
Nyborg, Helmuth.

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  • The scientific study of human nature = tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at eighty /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The scientific study of human nature/ edited by Helmuth Nyborg.
    其他題名: tribute to Hans J. Eysenck at eighty /
    其他作者: Nyborg, Helmuth.
    出版者: Oxford ;Elsevier Science, : 1997.,
    面頁冊數: xxix, 621 p. :ill.
    附註: On t.p.: Pergamon.
    內容註: Foreword : the man and his work : paradox and controversy / Jeffrey A. Gray -- General introduction : Hans Eysenck, the man, his friends and this book / H. Nyborg -- The psychobiological basis of personality/ M. Zuckerman -- Hans Eysenck's personality dimensions : their number and nature / C.R. Brand -- Individual differences in reactions to reinforcing stimuli are neither black nor white : to what extent are they gray?/ A.D. Pickering ... [et al.] -- Temperament and personality : Eysenck's three superfactors as related to temperamental dimensions / J. Strelau and B. Zawadzki -- Psychology and medicine / D.K.B. Nias -- Psychoticism as a dimension of personality/ S. Eysenck -- Classical conditioning, arousal, and crime : a biosocial perspective / A. Raine -- Crime and personality / G.H. Gudjonsson -- Sex and personality / G.D. Wilson -- Extraversion and impulsivity : the lost dimension?/ W. Revelle -- The psychometrics of intelligence / A.R. Jensen -- Behavioral genetic and biological approaches to intelligence / P.A. Vernon -- Geographical variation in intelligence / R. Lynn -- Intelligence and information processing/ I.J. Deary -- Malleability and change in intelligence / N. Brody -- Classical conditioning and the role of personality / I. Martin -- Eysenck's contribution to understanding psychopathology/ G. Claridge -- The psychophysics and psychophysiology of extraversion and arousal / R.M. Stelmack -- (Im)pure genius : psychoticism, intelligence, and creativity / J.P. Rushton -- Molecular creativity, genius and madness/ H. Nyborg -- Eysenck's personality theory and organizational psychology / A. Furnham -- Bursts of creativity and aberrant sunspot cycles : hypothetical covariations / S. Ertel -- Graphology, astrology, and parapsychology/ G.A. Dean, D.K.B. Nias, and C.C. French -- Eysenck as teacher and mentor / A.R. Jensen -- Psychology as science / H. Nyborg.
    標題: Intellect. -
    電子資源: electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click for information
    ISBN: 0585474494 (electronic bk.)
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