基隆河整體治理計畫後續追縱及成效評估(1/3) = = Continu...

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  • 基隆河整體治理計畫後續追縱及成效評估(1/3) = = Continued assessment and monitoring for the effects of flood disaster reduction to the integrated flood control plan at keelung river(1/3) /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 基隆河整體治理計畫後續追縱及成效評估(1/3) = / 經濟部水利署水利規劃試驗所編
    Reminder of title: Continued assessment and monitoring for the effects of flood disaster reduction to the integrated flood control plan at keelung river(1/3) /
    Published: 台中縣霧峰鄉 : 經濟部水利署水利規劃試驗所, : 2007[民96],
    Description: 1冊 : 部份彩圖,表格 ; 30公分+1張光碟
    Notes: 計畫編號:MOEAWRA0960287
    Subject: 防洪工程 -
    ISBN: 9789860122268
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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