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Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach.
書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach./
Galvis-Castaño, Alberto.
Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, : 2019,
230 p.
Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 83-02, Section: B.
Contained By:
Dissertations Abstracts International83-02B.
Hydrologic cycle. -
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach.
Galvis-Castaño, Alberto.
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach.
- Ann Arbor : ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2019 - 230 p.
Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 83-02, Section: B.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wageningen University and Research, 2019.
This item must not be sold to any third party vendors.
The trend towards more urbanized societies and the growing number of people has significant implications for freshwater use and wastewater management. Factors such as climate change are making the problems related to water even more critical. At the same time, water resources are also being substantially affected by human activities such as dam building, deforestation, erosion, mining activities, land use changes and pollutant load discharges. In many cases, especially in developing countries, the protection of water resources from quality deterioration by point and non-point source pollution has been based on 'end-of-pipe' solutions. That strategy only considers, in terms of infrastructure, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Often this is accompanied by adjustments to the regulations, including the application of economic instruments, such as taxes for wastewater discharge. However, this strategy has not completely fulfilled the objective of recovering the quality of the water resource for its different uses. Continuing the urban water practice in a 'business-as-usual' manner is unsustainable, considering its implications for public health, environment and, thus, the economy. Water should be administrated as a limited resource with multiple uses, and any solutions should be formulated with appropriate distribution and protection criteria, considering the basin as a planning unit. To face this situation and the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a systematic vision is necessary to guarantee the effectiveness of investments in water and sanitation. The 2030 Agenda recognizes the centrality of water resources for sustainable development and the vital role that improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene play in progress in other areas, including health, education and poverty reduction.The research described in this thesis intends to contribute to the solution of the previously outlined problem. In this research a technology-selection approach to control pollution by domestic wastewater was investigated. The technology selection involved multi-criteria analysis (MCA), the application of mathematical modelling of water quality in rivers, and costbenefit analysis (CBA). The basin was used as a unit of analysis and the technical, environmental, social, cultural, economic, policy and regulatory aspects were considered integrally. This research was oriented towards the validation of a strategy of technology selection based on the Three-Step Strategic Approach concept (3-SSA). In this context, 'technology selection' will not be understood as merely the treatment technology, but it includes such aspects as minimisation and prevention, both in the urban water cycle (housing and urban drainage system) and interventions at the basin level, WWTPs, reuse of effluents, and the natural and/or stimulated self-purification capacity of the water bodies.In this doctoral research each step of the 3-SSA was studied independently. The results and conclusions of the study of each step were an input to perform the comprehensive analysis of the sequential implementation (chronological order) of the three steps. The 3-SSA (Unconventional strategy) was validated by applying it to the Upper Cauca river basin (La Balsa-Anacaro Stretch: 389 km) in Colombia. This study included the comparison with a Conventional Strategy, which considered a 'business-as-usual scenario' of high water use, 'endof- pipe' wastewater treatment and conventional water supply providing drinking water quality for all uses. The implementation of the 3-SSA included a reduction in water consumption (Step1) and reuse of treated wastewater in households and for sugarcane crop irrigation (Step 2). It also considered the prioritization of investments to maximize the impact in improving the water quality of the Cauca River, targeting interventions in watersheds and municipalities with the highest pollutant load and located upstream of the river segments with the lowest DO (Step 3). The CBA clearly favoured the 3-SSA (Unconventional Strategy). The 3-SSA led to a major impact on the water quality of the Cauca River. This result was mainly due to the large differences in initial investment and O&M costs of WWTP in municipalities for the two strategies. For the Unconventional Strategy the WWTPs were smaller due to the application of the prevention and minimization approaches and treatment for reuse. The application of the 3- SSA resulted in avoided costs for initial investments and O&M, especially for groundwater wells and associated pumps for sugarcane crop irrigation. Furthermore, costs were avoided by optimisation of WWTPs, tariffs and finally by replacement of fertilisers. Avoided costs by taxes for water use and taxes for wastewater discharges directly to water bodies were negligible, since these unit costs are extremely low in Colombia. Applying realistic levies for consumer charges and 'polluter pays principles' would have a significant effect in favour of the 3-SSA.The research described in this thesis also highlights the following outcomes:1) A technology selection model of prevention and minimization strategies at the household level, considering different combinations of alternatives: low consumption devices, greywater use, and rainwater harvesting. In this model, alternatives were hierarchized using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relational analysis (GRA). A cost-benefit analysis was carried out to compare the highest ranked alternatives with the conventional approach, which considered a 'business-as-usual scenario' of high water use, end-of-pipe wastewater treatment plants and the conventional water supply system with drinking water quality for all uses. For the study area, the minimization and prevention alternatives were viable (NPVBenefit/NPVcost >1.0) when they were implemented in more than 20% of households.2) A conceptual framework (CF) to technology selection in the urban drainage system, including strategies at the basin level, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and the integral vision of the 'sewage-WWTP-receiving water body' system. The CF was applied to the collection and transport of runoff and wastewater. The CF flow chart was designed to help decision makers in the selection of urban drainage strategies with the purpose of optimizing the investments considering cleaner production concepts.3) A methodology to evaluate the potential of wastewater reuse in agricultural irrigation. The results showed that there are two key factors that influence the reuse potential of treated wastewater for sugarcane crop irrigation: i) the rainfall temporal variation, which defines the magnitude and time period of irrigation requirements, and ii) the costs incurred to achieve the required effluent quality.4) Application of mathematical modelling to demonstrate the importance of considering the dynamic behaviour of the river and its pollution discharges for decision-making in water quality management. The results show that self-purification capacity can be severely affected by abrupt changes in hydraulic flows and the type and size of the received pollution from pointsource and non-point source pollutants.
ISBN: 9798708786906Subjects--Topical Terms:
Hydrologic cycle.
Subjects--Index Terms:
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach.
:16823nmm a2200337 4500
241004s2019 ||||||||||||||||| ||eng d
Galvis-Castaño, Alberto.
1 0
Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control for the Municipal Water Cycle in a River Basin Context: Validation of the Three-Step Strategic Approach.
Ann Arbor :
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,
230 p.
Source: Dissertations Abstracts International, Volume: 83-02, Section: B.
Advisor: Gijzen, H. J.;van der Steen, N. P.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wageningen University and Research, 2019.
This item must not be sold to any third party vendors.
The trend towards more urbanized societies and the growing number of people has significant implications for freshwater use and wastewater management. Factors such as climate change are making the problems related to water even more critical. At the same time, water resources are also being substantially affected by human activities such as dam building, deforestation, erosion, mining activities, land use changes and pollutant load discharges. In many cases, especially in developing countries, the protection of water resources from quality deterioration by point and non-point source pollution has been based on 'end-of-pipe' solutions. That strategy only considers, in terms of infrastructure, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Often this is accompanied by adjustments to the regulations, including the application of economic instruments, such as taxes for wastewater discharge. However, this strategy has not completely fulfilled the objective of recovering the quality of the water resource for its different uses. Continuing the urban water practice in a 'business-as-usual' manner is unsustainable, considering its implications for public health, environment and, thus, the economy. Water should be administrated as a limited resource with multiple uses, and any solutions should be formulated with appropriate distribution and protection criteria, considering the basin as a planning unit. To face this situation and the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a systematic vision is necessary to guarantee the effectiveness of investments in water and sanitation. The 2030 Agenda recognizes the centrality of water resources for sustainable development and the vital role that improved drinking water, sanitation and hygiene play in progress in other areas, including health, education and poverty reduction.The research described in this thesis intends to contribute to the solution of the previously outlined problem. In this research a technology-selection approach to control pollution by domestic wastewater was investigated. The technology selection involved multi-criteria analysis (MCA), the application of mathematical modelling of water quality in rivers, and costbenefit analysis (CBA). The basin was used as a unit of analysis and the technical, environmental, social, cultural, economic, policy and regulatory aspects were considered integrally. This research was oriented towards the validation of a strategy of technology selection based on the Three-Step Strategic Approach concept (3-SSA). In this context, 'technology selection' will not be understood as merely the treatment technology, but it includes such aspects as minimisation and prevention, both in the urban water cycle (housing and urban drainage system) and interventions at the basin level, WWTPs, reuse of effluents, and the natural and/or stimulated self-purification capacity of the water bodies.In this doctoral research each step of the 3-SSA was studied independently. The results and conclusions of the study of each step were an input to perform the comprehensive analysis of the sequential implementation (chronological order) of the three steps. The 3-SSA (Unconventional strategy) was validated by applying it to the Upper Cauca river basin (La Balsa-Anacaro Stretch: 389 km) in Colombia. This study included the comparison with a Conventional Strategy, which considered a 'business-as-usual scenario' of high water use, 'endof- pipe' wastewater treatment and conventional water supply providing drinking water quality for all uses. The implementation of the 3-SSA included a reduction in water consumption (Step1) and reuse of treated wastewater in households and for sugarcane crop irrigation (Step 2). It also considered the prioritization of investments to maximize the impact in improving the water quality of the Cauca River, targeting interventions in watersheds and municipalities with the highest pollutant load and located upstream of the river segments with the lowest DO (Step 3). The CBA clearly favoured the 3-SSA (Unconventional Strategy). The 3-SSA led to a major impact on the water quality of the Cauca River. This result was mainly due to the large differences in initial investment and O&M costs of WWTP in municipalities for the two strategies. For the Unconventional Strategy the WWTPs were smaller due to the application of the prevention and minimization approaches and treatment for reuse. The application of the 3- SSA resulted in avoided costs for initial investments and O&M, especially for groundwater wells and associated pumps for sugarcane crop irrigation. Furthermore, costs were avoided by optimisation of WWTPs, tariffs and finally by replacement of fertilisers. Avoided costs by taxes for water use and taxes for wastewater discharges directly to water bodies were negligible, since these unit costs are extremely low in Colombia. Applying realistic levies for consumer charges and 'polluter pays principles' would have a significant effect in favour of the 3-SSA.The research described in this thesis also highlights the following outcomes:1) A technology selection model of prevention and minimization strategies at the household level, considering different combinations of alternatives: low consumption devices, greywater use, and rainwater harvesting. In this model, alternatives were hierarchized using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relational analysis (GRA). A cost-benefit analysis was carried out to compare the highest ranked alternatives with the conventional approach, which considered a 'business-as-usual scenario' of high water use, end-of-pipe wastewater treatment plants and the conventional water supply system with drinking water quality for all uses. For the study area, the minimization and prevention alternatives were viable (NPVBenefit/NPVcost >1.0) when they were implemented in more than 20% of households.2) A conceptual framework (CF) to technology selection in the urban drainage system, including strategies at the basin level, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) and the integral vision of the 'sewage-WWTP-receiving water body' system. The CF was applied to the collection and transport of runoff and wastewater. The CF flow chart was designed to help decision makers in the selection of urban drainage strategies with the purpose of optimizing the investments considering cleaner production concepts.3) A methodology to evaluate the potential of wastewater reuse in agricultural irrigation. The results showed that there are two key factors that influence the reuse potential of treated wastewater for sugarcane crop irrigation: i) the rainfall temporal variation, which defines the magnitude and time period of irrigation requirements, and ii) the costs incurred to achieve the required effluent quality.4) Application of mathematical modelling to demonstrate the importance of considering the dynamic behaviour of the river and its pollution discharges for decision-making in water quality management. The results show that self-purification capacity can be severely affected by abrupt changes in hydraulic flows and the type and size of the received pollution from pointsource and non-point source pollutants.
Urbanisatie en bevolkingstoename hebben verstrekkende gevolgen voor water gebruik en afvalwater management. Factoren zoals klimaatverandering maken de uitdagingen met betrekking tot waterbeheer nog belangrijker. Tegelijkertijd worden bronnen van water in sterke mate beinvloed door menselijke activiteiten, zoals de constructie van dammen, ontbossing, erosie, mijnbouw, veranderend landgebruik en het lozen van vervuilende stoffen. In veel gevallen, in het bijzonder in ontwikkelingslanden, is de bescherming van waterbronnen tegen aantasting van de kwaliteit door punt en diffuse vervuilingsbronnen gebaseerd op 'end-of-pipe' oplossingen. Die strategie gaat alleen uit, wat betreft infrastructuur, van het bouwen van afvalwaterzuiveringen (AWZ). Vaak wordt dit vergezeld door aanpassingen in de regelgeving, inclusief het toepassen van economische instrumenten, zoals heffingen op lozingen van afvalwater. Echter, deze strategie heeft de doelstelling om de kwaliteit van waterbronnen voor verschillende toepassingen te behouden, niet volledige behaald. Doorgaan met de huidige praktijk van stedelijk waterbeheer in een 'business-as-usual' benadering is niet duurzaam, wanneer de implicaties voor de volksgezondheid, het milieu en dus de economie, in ogenschouw worden genomen. Water zou beheerd moeten worden als een eindige hulpbron die voor verschillende doeleinden gebruikt kan worden, en iedere mogelijk oplossing moet geformuleerd worden op basis van een eerlijke verdeling en criteria voor milieubescherming, uitgaande van het stroomgebied als planningseenheid. Om deze situatie te adresseren evenals de uitdagingen van de Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is een systematische visie noodzakelijk om de effectiviteit van investeringen in water en sanitatie te garanderen. De 2030 Agenda erkent de centrale rol van waterbronnen voor duurzame ontwikkeling en de essentiele rol die beter drinkwater, sanitatie en hygiene speelt in de voortgang op andere gebieden, inclusief gezondheid, onderwijs en de vermindering van armoede.Het onderzoek zoals beschreven in dit proefschrift heeft als doel bij te dragen aan de oplossing van het hierboven beschreven probleem. In dit onderzoek is een speciale methode onderzocht van technologie-selectie voor het beperken van vervuiling door huishoudelijk afvalwater. De methode van technologie-selectie bestond o.a. uit een multi-criteria analyse (MCA), de toepassing van wiskundige modellen van waterkwaliteit in rivieren en een kosten-baten analyse (KBA). Het stroomgebied is gebruikt als eenheid van analyse voor een integrale benadering met inachtneming van aspecten van technische, milieukundige, sociale, culturele, economische, beleidsmatige en regelgeving betreffende aard. Dit onderzoek was gericht op het valideren van een strategie van technologie selectie gebaseerd op het concept van de Drie-Staps Strategische Methode (3-SSM). In die context wordt 'technologie-selectie' niet gezien als zijnde alleen de waterzuiveringstechnologie, maar inclusief factoren zoals minimalisatie en voorkoming van vervuiling, zowel in de stedelijke water cyclus (huisvesting en het stedelijk drainage systeem) als op het niveau van het stroomgebied, AWZ, hergebruik van effluent en de natuurlijke en/of verbeterde zelf-zuiverende capaciteit van oppervlaktewater.In dit promotie onderzoek is elke stap van de 3-SSM apart onderzocht. De resultaten en conclusies van het onderzoek van iedere stap afzonderlijk zijn gebruikt als startpunt voor een omvattende analyse van een achtereenvolgende implementatie van de drie stappen in chronologische volgorde. De 3-SSM (Niet conventionele strategie) is gevalideerd door toepassing op de bovenstroom van de Cauca rivier (voor het gedeelte La Balsa-Anacaro; 389 km) in Colombia. Het onderzoek omvatte ook een vergelijking met een Conventionele Strategie, die uitging van een 'business-as-usual' scenario met een hoog waterverbruik, 'endof- pipe' afvalwaterzuivering en een conventioneel systeem voor drinkwatervoorziening met dezelfde kwaliteit voor alle verschillende soorten gebruik. De toepassing van de 3-SSM hield een vermindering van waterverbruik in (Stap 1) en hergebruik van gezuiverd afvalwater in huishoudens en voor het irrigeren van suikerriet (Stap 2). De methode bestond ook uit een prioritering van investeringen om het effect te maximaliseren voor het verbeteren van de waterkwaliteit van de Cauca rivier, door het aanpakken van bronnen van vervuiling in deelstroomgebieden en gemeenten met de grootste vervuiling die zich stroomopwaarts bevinden van segmenten van de rivier met de laagste zuurstof concentraties (Stap 3). De KBA liet duidelijk zien dat de 3-SSM (Niet conventionele strategie) betere resultaten behaalde. De 3-SSM veroorzaakte een belangrijke verbetering van de waterkwaliteit van de Cauca rivier. Dat werd vooral veroorzaakt door het grote verschil in initiele investeringen en kosten voor in bedrijf houden en onderhoud van AWZs in gemeenten voor de twee strategieen. Voor de Niet conventionele Strategie waren de AWZs kleiner door de toepassing van preventie en minimalisatie en door afvalwater hergebruik. De toepassing van de 3-SSM resulteerde in vermeden kosten voor initiele investeringen en voor de bedrijfsvoering en het onderhoud, in het bijzonder voor grondwater putten en de benodigde pompen voor irrigatie van suikerriet. Bovendien werden kosten vermeden door optimalisatie van AWZs, tarieven en tenslotte ook door het vervangen van kunstmest. Vermindering van kosten door vermindering van heffingen voor watergebruik en heffingen voor afvalwater lozingen direct in het oppervlaktewater waren verwaarloosbaar, doordat deze heffingen al extreem laag zijn in Colombia. Het opleggen van hogere heffingen voor water gebruik en voor het 'de vervuiler betaald' principe zou een significant effect opleveren ten gunste van de 3-SSA.Het onderzoek zoals beschreven in dit proefschrift heeft tot de volgende belangrijke resultaten geleid:1) De ontwikkeling van een technologie-selectie model gebaseerd op preventie en minimaliseringsstrategieen op het niveau van huishoudens, met gebruik van verschillende combinaties van maatregelen: water besparende apparatuur, hergebruik van grijswater en de opvang van regenwater. Dit model bepaalde ook een ranglijst van opties door middel van het analytical hierarchy process (AHP) en grey relational analysis (GRA). Een kosten-baten analyse is ook uitgevoerd om de beste opties van de ranglijst te vergelijken met de conventionele methode, die gebaseerd was op een 'business-as-usual scenario' van hoog waterverbruik, end-of-pipe afvalwaterzuivering en een conventioneel drinkwater systeem met het gebruik van drinkwater voor alle doeleinden. De optie gebaseerd op minimalisatie en preventie was haalbaar in het bestudeerde onderzoeksgebied (NPVBaten/NPVKosten >1.0) onder voorwaarde dat de implementatie in meer dan 20% van de huishoudens werd gerealiseerd.2) Een conceptueel kader (CK) for technologie-selectie voor het stedelijk drainage en rioolsysteem, inclusief strategieen op het niveau van het stroomgebied, duurzame stedelijke drainage en rioolsystemen (SUDS) en een integrale visie op het 'riolering-AWZ-ontvangende opervlaktewater' systeeem. Dit CK is toegepast op de inzameling en het transport van hemelwater en afvalwater. Het CK stroomschema is ontworpen om beleidsmakers te helpen met de selectie van stedelijke afwateringstrategieen met als doel de optimalisatie van investeringen voor de toepassing van 'milievriendelijke productie'.3) Een methode om het potentieel van afvalwater hergebruik in de landbouw voor irrigatie te evalueren.
De resultaten lieten zien dat er twee bepalende factoren zijn die het potentieel voor hergebruik van behandeld afvalwater voor irrigatie van suikerriet bepalen: i) de variatie in de tijd van regenval, die de behoefte bepaalt wat betreft hoeveelheid en timing van irrigatie, en ii) de kosten die gemaakt moeten worden om de gewenste effluent kwaliteit te bereiken.4) Toepassing van wiskundige modellen om het belang te demonstreren van het meenemen van het dynamische gedrag van een rivier en de lozingen van vervuilende stoffen in de besluitvorming voor waterkwaliteitsbeheer. De resultaten laten zien dat de zelfzuiverende capaciteit negatief beinvloed kan worden door abrupte veranderingen in het debiet in de rivier en het soort en de grootte van de lozing van vervuilende stoffen vanuit zowel puntbronnen als diffuse bronnen.
School code: 2157.
Hydrologic cycle.
Water resources management.
Wageningen University and Research.
Dissertations Abstracts International
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