Libertarian autobiographies = moving...
Cavallo, Jo Ann.

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  • Libertarian autobiographies = moving toward freedom in today's world /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Libertarian autobiographies/ edited by Jo Ann Cavallo, Walter E. Block.
    其他題名: moving toward freedom in today's world /
    其他作者: Cavallo, Jo Ann.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 533 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: 1. Jo Ann Cavallo and Walter E. Block, Introduction -- 2. Gloria Alvarez, With Liberty and Health Everything Is Possible in This World -- 3. Phillip Bagus, A Voyage of Discovery -- 4. Doug Bandow, A Beltway Odyssey -- 5. Jayant Bhandari, Out of India: From Wretchedness to Capitalism -- 6. James Bovard, Forty Years Sniping at Leviathan -- 7. Connor Boyack, One Person Changes the World -- 8. Per L. Bylund, From Meager Means to Market Anarchism: The Political Evolution of an Ordinary Swede -- 9. Gerard Casey, My Transformation into a Teacher of Liberty -- 10. Jo Ann Cavallo, "To study and at times to practice what one has learned, is that not a pleasure?" -- 11. Christopher J. Coyne, My Path to Becoming an Economist and Peacemonger -- 12. Lauren Daugherty, A Young American for Liberty -- 13. Marianna Davidovich, Family, Freedom, and Flourishing: An Educator's Journey -- 14. Dumo Denga, Moments that Led Me to Libertarianism in South Africa -- 15. Beniamino Di Martino, The Libertarian Mission of a Catholic Priest -- 16. Brian Doherty, Thinking about and Working toward a Less Cruel World -- 17. Lukasz Dominiak, From Growing Up under Socialism to Becoming Libertarian -- 18. Richard M. Ebeling, My Life as an Austrian Economist and Classical Liberal: The Starting Point and Early Years -- 19. Robert B. Eckhardt, Maverick Scientist, Libertarian Capitalist -- 20. Gene Epstein, Mommy Was a Commie: My Personal Voyage from Intellectual Depravity to Libertarianism -- 21. Rafi Farber, My Journey to Liberty -- 22. Bernardo Ferrero, A Florentine Road toward Liberty -- 23. David Friedman, From Philosophy to Economics -- 24. Alan Futerman, Libertarianism as a Path to Life -- 25. Sean Gabb, Born Wanting To Be Free -- 26. Carla Gericke, Live Free and Thrive! -- 27. James Grant, Luckiest Guy on Wall Street -- 28. Zhu Haijiu, Human Action and My Austrian Economics Journey -- 29. Steve H. Hanke, A Life among the "Econ" -- 30. Norman Horn, The Growth of a Christian Libertarian -- 31. Jacob G. Hornberger, My Life as a Libertarian -- 32. Michael Huemer, Intuitive Libertarianism -- 33. Allen Jeon, Austro-libertarianism's Existential Lessons -- 34. Marc Joffe, Learning from Libertarian Disappointments -- 35. Linda K. Kiguhi, Building a Community of Leaders for Liberty in Africa -- 36. Rowland Kingsley, My Story as an African Libertarian -- 37. Peter G. Klein, My Life as an Austrian Economist and Entrepreneurship Scholar -- 38. Barbara Kolm, If You Are a Tyrolean -- 39. Mitchell Langbert, Confessions of a Libertarian in Academe -- 40. Peter T. Leeson, It Began with Richard Nixon -- 41. Brad Lips, Discovering a World of Hope for Liberty -- 42. Carlo Lottieri, Some Notes in View of an Intellectual Autobiography -- 43. Yuri Maltsev, From Moscow toward Liberty -- 44. Lipton Matthews, No Greater Love than Choice -- 45. Allen Mendenhall, A Libertarian Literary Lawyer -- 46. Ilana Mercer, A Woman of the Libertarian Right -- 47. John Mosier, Confessions of a Proto-Austrian Libertarian -- 48. Antony P. Mueller, My Intellectual Journey in Search of a Social Order beyond the State and Politics -- 49. Michael C. Munger, A Presumption in Favor of Liberty -- 50. Robert P. Murphy, How I Became an Austro-Libertarian -- 51. Héctor Ñaupari, A Sower of Freedom in Latin America -- 52. Radu Nechita, Opening Minds and Sharing the Passion for Liberty -- 53. Wanjiru Njoya, From African Socialism to Libertarianism -- 54. Johan Norberg, Anarchy, Minimal State, and Freelance Utopia -- 55. Yuri Petukhov, Russia, My Journey, and the Hayek Foundation -- 56. Roger Pilon, An Unconventional Odyssey -- 57. Guglielmo Piombini, Dazzled by Murray N. Rothbard -- 58. Robert W. Poole, Jr., Building a Libertarian Think Tank -- 59. Michael Rectenwald, From Leftism to Liberty, A Personal Journey -- 60. Dann Reid, The Culinary Libertarian: Combining My Passion for Food and Liberty -- 61. David Chávez Salazar, And I Will Finally Know What Freedom Is -- 62. Antony Sammeroff, A Scottish Lefty Becomes a Libertarian -- 63. Li Schoolland, A Survivor's Story -- 64. Karen Selick, Making Life Less Lonely for Canadian Libertarians -- 65. Parth J. Shah, Challenging India's Socialist Mindset -- 66. Ilya Shapiro, Living the American Dream -- 67. Josef Šíma, The Fall of Communism as Only the First Step Towards a Free Society -- 68. Jo Ann Skousen, From Social Democrat to Libertarian -- 69. Mark Skousen, My Declaration of Independence -- 70. Barry Smith, Thinking Like an Austrian -- 71. Jacek Spendel, Beyond Philosophy: Libertarianism as a Way of Life -- 72. Krassen Stanchev, From the Soviets to Classical Liberalism -- 73. Frank J. Tipler, Physics and Libertarian Philosophy -- 74. Martin van Staden, Law, Voluntaryism, and Being Libertarian in Uninviting Africa -- 75. Laurence M. Vance, Christian Libertarianism -- 76. Richard Vedder, The Life of an Unlikely Libertarian -- 77. Richard E. Wagner, My Non-ideological Path to Becoming a Libertarian Thinker -- 78. Michael A. Walker, Why I Am a Big Government Skeptic and Small Government Advocate -- 79. Nena Bartlett Whitfield, Building the Future Together -- 80. Hiroshi Yoshida, Opening the Taxpayer's Eyes.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Libertarianism. -
    ISBN: 9783031296086
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