[NT 15003449]: |
1. Theatre and Migration: Defining the Field -- Section One: Theatre and Migration: Themes and Concepts -- 2. The Eternal Immigrant and the Aesthetics of Solidarity -- 3. 'A Real State of Exception': Walter Benjamin and the Paradox of Theatrical Representation -- 4. Theatre as Refrain: Representations of Departure from the Terezín/Theresienstadt Ghetto. 5. Refugees and the Right to Have Rights -- 6. Postmigrant Theatre and its Impact on Contemporary German Theatre -- 7. Interculturalism and Migration in Performance: From Distant Otherness to the Precarity of Proximity -- 8. Cosmopolitanism: The Troublesome Offset of Global Migration -- 9. Indigenous Migrations: Performance, Urbanization and Survivance in Native North America -- 10. Migratory Blackness in Leave Taking and Elmina's Kitchen -- 11. 'What needs to happen so we may remain at home?': Climate Migration and Performance -- 12. Theatre's Digital Migration, by Matthew Causey -- Section Two: Early Representations of Migration -- 13. Theatre and Migration in Gilgamesh -- 14. Migration and Ancient Indian Theatre -- 15. Fated Arrivals: Greek Tragedy and Migration -- 16. Migration in Greek and Roman Comedy -- 17. Migrating Souls and Witnessing Travellers in the Dramaturgy of Nō Theatre -- 18. The Things She Carried: The Vertical Migrations of Lady Rokujō in Japanese Theatre -- 19. The Stranger's Case: Exile in Shakespeare -- 20. The 'English Comedy' in Early Modern Europe: Migration, Emigration, Integration -- 21. Migrations and Cultural Navigations on Early-Modern Italian Stages -- Section Three: Migration and Nationalism -- 22. Immigration and Family Life on the Early Twentieth-Century Argentine Stage -- 23. Sonless Mothers and Motherless Sons, or How Has Polishness Haunted Polish Theatre Artists in Exile? -- 24. All Our Migrants: Place and Displacement on the Israeli Stage -- 25. Shylock is Me: Aryeh Elias as an Immigrant Jewish-Iraqi Actor in the Israeli Theatre -- 26. Emerging, Staying or Leaving: 'Immigrant' Theatre in Canada -- 27. Migrant Artists and Precarious Labour in Contemporary Russian Theatre -- 28. Chicano Theatre and (Im)migration: La víctima -- 29. Staging War at the Home Depot: Yoshua Okón's Octopus and the Shadow Economy of Migrant Labour -- 30. From Emigrant to Migrant Nation: Reckoning with Irish Historical Duty -- 31. Dwelling in Multiple Languages: The Impossible Journeys Home in the Work of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Akram Khan -- Section Four: Migration, Colonialism and Forced Displacement -- 32. The Theatre of Displacement and Migration in Southern Africa: Zimbabwe and South Africa in Focus -- 33. From the Yoruba Travelling Theatre to the Nobel Prize in Literature: Nigerian Theatre in Motion -- 34. Migratory Subjectivities and African Diasporic Theatre: Race, Gender and Nation -- 35. Immobile Relegations and Exiles: Creation and Migration in French Theatre Between 1980 and 2020 -- 36. Storying Home: Retracing the Trail of Tears to Restore Ekvnvcakv -- 37. Diasporic Trauma, Nativized Innovation, and Techno-Intercultural Predicament: The Story of Jingju in Taiwan -- 38. Our Life Together: War, Migration, and Family Drama in Korean American Theatre -- 39. Chronicles of Refugees Foretold, by Hala Khamis Nassar -- 40. Ukrainian Theatre in Migration: Military Anthropology Perspective -- Section Five: Refugees -- 41. Spaces and Memories of Migration in Twenty-First Century Greek Theatre: Station Athens' I Left (E_Φυγα) -- 42. Troubled Waters: The Representation of Refugees in Maltese Theatre -- 43. Staging Borders: Immigration Drama in Spain, from the 1990s to the Present -- 44. Performance and Asylum Seekers in Australia (2000-2020) -- 45. Ramadram: Refugee Struggles, Empowerment and Institutional Openings in German Theatre -- 46. To Come Between: Refugees at Sea, from Representation to Direct Action -- 47. Theatre, Migration, and Activism: The Work of Good Chance Theatre -- 48. Theatre and Migration in the Balkans: The Death of Asylum in Žiga Divjak's The Game -- 49. Theatre of the Syrian Diaspora -- 50. The Finnish National Theatre, Refugees, and Equality -- Section Six: Itinerancy, Traveling and Transnationalism -- 51. Transnationality: Intercultural Dialogues, Encounters, and the Theatres of Curiosity -- 52. German Theatre and August von Kotzebue's Theatrical Success and Pitfalls in Russia -- 53. The Itinerant Puppet -- 54. Fin-de-siècle Black Minstrelsy, Itinerancy, and the Anglophone Imperial Circuit -- 55. Actor Migration to and from Britain in the Nineteenth Century -- 56. Migration and Marathi Theatre in Colonial India, 1850-1900 -- 57. The Dybbuk: Wandering Souls of the Vilna Troupe and Habimah Theatre -- 58. Indian Circus: A Melting Pot of Migrant Artists, Performativity, and Race -- 59. Contemporary (Post-)Migrant Theatre in Belgium and the Migratory Aesthetics of Milo Rau's Theatre of the Real -- 60. Belarus Free Theatre: Political Theatre in Exile. |