玩桌遊學造句課程對國小書寫困難學童造句成效之研究 = = The stu...

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  • 玩桌遊學造句課程對國小書寫困難學童造句成效之研究 = = The study on the effects of sentence construction course by playing tabletop games for elementary school students with dysgraphia /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: 玩桌遊學造句課程對國小書寫困難學童造句成效之研究 =/ 李敏君撰
    Reminder of title: The study on the effects of sentence construction course by playing tabletop games for elementary school students with dysgraphia /
    remainder title: The study on the effects of sentence construction course by playing tabletop games for elementary school students with dysgraphia
    Author: 李敏君
    other author: 王淑惠
    Published: 花蓮縣 :國立東華大學特殊教育學系身心障礙與輔助科技碩士班, : 2023,
    Description: [8], 143面 :圖,表 ;30公分
    Notes: 校內電子全文開放日期:2023/08/03
    Subject: construction course by playing tabletop games -
    Online resource:電子全文(依作者授權而定)
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
GE0214857 五樓論文區 (5F Theses & Dissertations) 03.不外借_N 本校碩士論文 T 529.6 4081 2023 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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