ITNG 2023 20th International Confere...
International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (2023))

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  • ITNG 2023 20th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: ITNG 2023 20th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations/ edited by Shahram Latifi.
    其他作者: Latifi, Shahram.
    團體作者: International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2023.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource (xiii, 457 p.) :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Chapter 1. Loop Closure Detection in Visual SLAM Based on Convolutional Neural Network. Chapter 2 -- Getting Local and Personal: Toward Building a Predictive Model for COVID in Three United States Cities. Chapter 3 -- Improved Significant Wave Height Prediction by an LSTM and EEMD Method. Chapter 4 -- A Deep Learning Approach for Sentiment and Emotional Analysis of Lebanese Arabizi Twitter Data. Chapter 5 -- A two-step approach to boost neural network generalizability in predicting defective software. Chapter 6 -- A Principal Component Analysis-based Scoring Mechanism to Quantify Crime Hot Spots in a City. Chapter 7 -- Tuning neural networks for superior accuracy on resource-constrained edge microcontrollers. Chapter 8 -- BigQuery Intersection Congestion Prediction. Chapter 9 -- A Detection Method for Stained Asbestos Based on Dyadic Wavelet Packet Transform and a Locally Adaptive Method of Edge Extraction. Chapter 10 -- Machine Learning - Fake Product Prediction System. Chapter 11 -- Ontology of Vulnerabilities and Attacks on VLAN Verifying X.509 Certificate Extensions. Chapter 12 -- Detecting Malicious Browser Extensions by Combining Machine Learning and Feature Selection. Chapter 13 -- A Lightweight Mutual Authentication and Key Generation Scheme in IoV Ecosystem. Chapter 14 -- To reject or not reject - that is the question, the case of BIKE post quantum KEM. Chapter 15 -- IoT forensics: Machine to Machine Embedded with SIM Card. Chapter 16 -- Streaming Platforms Based on Blockchain Technology: A Business Model Impact Analysis. Chapter 17 -- Digital Forensic Investigation Framework for Dashcam. Chapter 18 -- Conflicts between UX designers, front-end and back-end software developers: good or bad for productivity?. Chapter 19 -- Generalized EEG Data Acquisition and Processing System. Chapter 20 -- Supporting Technical Adaptation and Implementation of Digital Twins in Manufacturing. Chapter 21 -- Towards Specifying and Evaluating the Trustworthiness of an AI-enabled System. Chapter 22 -- Description and Consistency Checking of Distributed Algorithms in UML Models using Composite Structure and State Machine Diagrams. Chapter 23 -- Simulation and comparison of different scenarios of a Workflow net using Process Mining. Chapter 24 -- Making Sense of Failure Logs in an Industrial DevOps Environment. Chapter 25 -- Analysis of News Article various countries on a specific event using Semantic Network Analysis. Chapter 26 -- AN APPROACH TO ASSIST OPHTHALMOLOGISTS IN GLAUCOMA DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING. Chapter 27 -- Multtestlib: An Approach to Unit Testing Using Parallel Processing in Python. Chapter 28 -- DEFD : Adapted decision tree ensemble for financial fraud detection. Chapter 29 -- Prediction of Bike Sharing Activities using Machine Learning and Data Analytics. Chapter 30 -- ICT: Attendance & Contact Tracing During a Pandemic. Chapter 31 -- Towards Cloud Teaching and Learning: A COVID 19 era in South Africa. Chapter 32 -- Learning Object as a Mediator in the User/Learner's Zone of Proximal Development. Chapter 33 -- Quality Assessment of Open Educational Resources based on Data Provenance. Chapter 34 -- Quality Assessment of Open Educational Resources: a systematic review. Chapter 35 -- Chapter 36 -- Predicting COVID-19 Occurrences from MDL-based Segmented Comorbidities and Logistic Regression. Chapter 37 -- Internet of Things Applications for Cold Chain Vaccine Tracking: A Systematic Literature Review. Chapter 38 -- GDPR and FAIR compliant decision support system design for triage and disease detection. Chapter 39 -- Truckfier - A multiclass vehicle detection and counting tool for real-world highway scenarios. Chapter 40 -- Explaining Multimodal Image Retrieval Using A Vision and Language Task Model. Chapter 41 -- A Process to Support Heuristic Evaluation and Tree Testing from a UX Integrated Perspective. Chapter 42 -- Description and Verification of Systolic Array Parallel Computation Model in Synchronous Circuit using LOTOS. Chapter 43 -- A Virtual Reality Mining Training Simulator for Proximity Detection. Chapter 44 -- A Performance Analysis of Different MongoDB Consistency Levels. Chapter 45 -- Information extraction and ontology population using car insurance reports. Chapter 46 -- Description of Restricted Object Reservation System using Specification and Description Language VDM++. Chapter 47 -- A Demographic Model to Predict Arrests by Race: An Exploratory Approach. Chapter 48 -- An Efficient Approach to Wireless Firmware Update Based on Erasure Correction Coding. Chapter 49 -- Complex Network Analysis of the US Marine Highway Network. Chapter 50 -- Directed Acyclic Network and Turn Constraint Paths.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Information technology - Congresses. -
    ISBN: 9783031283321
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •