Mere reading : = the poetics of wond...
Mitchell, Lee Clark, (1947-)

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  • Mere reading : = the poetics of wonder in modern American novels /
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Mere reading :/ Lee Clark Mitchell.
    Reminder of title: the poetics of wonder in modern American novels /
    Author: Mitchell, Lee Clark,
    Published: New York :Bloomsbury Academic, : c2017.,
    Description: x, 262 p. ;22 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Machine generated contents note: -- Introduction: Slowing Down -- 1. Possession in The Professor's House (1925) -- 2. Oscillation in Lolita (1955) -- 3. Hospitality in Housekeeping (1980) -- 4. Violence in Blood Meridian (1985) -- 5. Language in The Road (2006) -- 6. Belatedness in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) -- Epilogue: Resisting Rules -- Bibliography -- Index.
    Subject: American fiction - History and criticism. - 20th century -
    ISBN: 9781501329654
  • 壽豐校區(SF Campus)
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  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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