1. BU's BEST: using biomedical workforce data to inform curriculum and influence career exploration 2. Cornell BEST-keys to successful institutionalization of career and professional development programming 3. The Atlanta BEST program: a partnership to enhance professional development and career planning across two dissimilar institutions 4. Michigan State University BEST: lessons learned 5. New York University Science Training Enhancement Program 6. Leadership andmanagement for scientists 7. Rutgers University's interdisciplinary Job Opportunities for Biomedical Scientists (iJOBSs) program: inquire, initiate, implement, instruct 8. The FUTURE partner network: linking graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to PhD professionals to inform career decisions 9. Keys to successful implementation of a professional development program 10. The motivating informed decisions (MINDs) program -- The University of California San Francisco BESTprogram for career exploration 11. MyCHOICE: Chicago Options in Career Empowerment 12. Better through BESST! Inge Wefes 13. Creating the "new normal; career development embedded into the Ph.D. curriculum for all trainees 14. The career cohort model: benefits to students, programs, and institutions 15. Vanderbilt's ASPIRE program: building on a strong career development foundation to change the Ph.D.-training culture 16. VT-BEST: shaping biomedical professional developmentprogramming across colleges and campuses 17. Across disciplines: multi-phase career preparation for doctoral students