Alkaline rocks, kimberlites and carb...
International Seminar "Deep-seated magmatism, its sources and plumes" (2019 :)

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  • Alkaline rocks, kimberlites and carbonatites = geochemistry and genesis : proceedings of the XV International Seminar "Deep-seated magmatism, its sources and plumes", 1-7 September 2019, Russia, Saki. /
  • Record Type: Electronic resources : Monograph/item
    Title/Author: Alkaline rocks, kimberlites and carbonatites/ edited by Nikolay Vladykin.
    Reminder of title: geochemistry and genesis : proceedings of the XV International Seminar "Deep-seated magmatism, its sources and plumes", 1-7 September 2019, Russia, Saki. /
    other author: Vladykin, Nikolay.
    corporate name: International Seminar "Deep-seated magmatism, its sources and plumes"
    Published: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2021.,
    Description: viii, 262 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    [NT 15003449]: Chapter 1. Enriched mantle reservoirs as a source of the largest apatite and rare-metal deposits -- Chapter 2. Ore-geochemical specialization and sources of Ural and Timan carbonatite complexes -- Chapter 3. The Zhidoy massif of ultrabasic-alkaline rocks and carbonatites: its geochemical features, sources and ore potential -- Chapter 4. Geochemistry, mineralogy and ore potential of rare-metal alkaline-granite magmatism of East-Sayan area (using as an example of the Zashikhinsky deposit) -- Chapter 5. Mineralogical-geochemical features of tsagaan-uul dyke swarm (Northern Mongolia) -- Chapter 6. Indicative role of spinel-olivine paragenesis in establishment of origin conditions of dunites of central part of the Konder massif -- Chapter 7. Chemical composition of pyroxenes of ultrabasic and alkaline rocks of the Inagli massif (Aldan shield) -- Chapter 8. Crystal-chemical features of rare and complex silicates from charoititic rocks of the volcano-plutonic alkaline malyy Murun massif -- Chapter 9. Genetic role of calcium contents in compositions of olivine crystals from ultrabasic-basic Rocks -- Chapter 10. Mechanisms of rare element concentration in comendite melts of the early-Mesozoic bimodal association Sant (Central Mongolia) -- Chapter 11. Сomposition and parameters of generation of primary magma of ultramafic massif Uitkomst. Thermobarogeochemical study of microinclusions -- Chapter 12. Indicators of a plume magmatic activity in a middle part of the Russian platform (Ustyansky diamond potential region) -- Chapter 13. Unique mineralogical features of a mantle substrate of the Nakynsky kimberlite field (Yakutiya)
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    Subject: Magmatism - Congresses. -
    Online resource:
    ISBN: 9783030696702
Location:  Year:  Volume Number: 
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
  • 1 records • Pages 1 •
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