Pediatric urogenital radiology
Riccabona, Michael.

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  • Pediatric urogenital radiology
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Pediatric urogenital radiology/ edited by Michael Riccabona.
    其他題名: With contributions by numerous experts
    其他作者: Riccabona, Michael.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2018.,
    面頁冊數: xviii, 814 p. :digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Part I: Diagnostic Procedures: Basic diagnostic Procedures -- Urogenital MRI and MR-Urography in Childhood -- Nuclear Medicine -- Video-Urodynamics -- Nomenclature -- Contrast media in childhood - application and safety considerations -- Part II: Fetal findings, Embryology, Anatomy, Normal variants: Urinary Tract Embryology, Anatomy, and Anatomical Variants -- Urogenital fetal imaging: US and MRI -- Anomalies of Kidney Rotation, Position and Fusion -- Part III: Clinical basics - what the uroradiologist needs to know: Genetics in Nephrourology -- Cystic Kidney Disease, Renal Agenesis, Dysplasia, Hypoplasia -- Renal parenchymal diseases -- UTI and VUR -- Congenital hydronephrosis and obstructive uropathy -- Surgical procedures and indications for surgery -- Urolithaisis and nephrocalcinosis -- Renal failure, and renal transplantation -- Part IV: Lower Urinary Tract Anomalies, Malformations and Dysfunctions: Abnormalities of the Lower Urinary Tract and Urachus -- Urogenital Sinus and Female Genital Anomalies -- Imaging in male genital queries -- Urinary Problems Associated with Imperforate Anus -- Epispadias-Exstrophy Complex -- Nonneurogenic Bladder-Sphincter Dysfunction in Infants and Children ("Voiding Dysfunction") -- Neurogenic Bladder in Infants and Children (Neurogenic Bladder-Sphincter Dysfunction) -- Part V: Congenital malformations: Congenital Anomalies of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter -- Upper Urinary Tract Dilatation in Newborns and Infants, including the Postnatal Workup of Congenital Uronephropathies -- Imaging in Prune Belly and other Syndromes affecting the Urogenital Tract -- Vesicoureteric Reflux -- Urinary Tract Infection -- Imaging in Renal Agenesis, Dysplasia, Hypoplasia and Cystic Diseases of the Kidney -- Imaging in Renal Parenchymal Diseases -- Imaging in Urolithiasis and Nephrocalcinosis -- Postoperative Imaging and Findings -- Imaging in Renal Failure, neonatal Oligoanuria, and Renal Transplantation -- Renovascular Hypertension -- Urinary Tract Trauma -- Renal Neoplasms -- Pediatric Genitourinary Intervention -- Clinical Management of and Imaging algorithms in Common Nephrourologic Disorders (Guidelines and Beyond) -- Normal Values.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Pediatric urology. -
    ISBN: 9783319392028
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